Is it a controversial take to say that I don’t give a fuck what Jodorowsky or Lynch think about the new Dune? Obviously neither of them are gonna like it, what insightful additions to the discourse were you expecting from them?
Is it a controversial take to say that I don’t give a fuck what Jodorowsky or Lynch think about the new Dune? Obviously neither of them are gonna like it, what insightful additions to the discourse were you expecting from them?
I have not heard the English language voice track, but the Japanese language one is good. The voice actors do a good job. Yuna and Kenji, in particular, are quite enjoyable in Japanese.
They are all ultrawide, because the developer is very proud of how well the game implements ultrawide support. Even the cutscenes are ultrawide, when normally they’d have black bars at the side. Death Stranding PC is a good reason for going ultrawide. Or super ultrawide for that matter.
I mean, I don’t think this looks particularly good and the setting seems tired and cliched to the point of being kind of insulting, but... those games you’re asking for exist. It’s fine for people to make a thing that’s not for you.
I’m bummed out that the setting and the cultural weirdness may make me not enjoy a…
Yeah, the more I read of the article, the more I kept asking myself “what is there even to discuss? The guy even admitted it, I say cut him out and move on”
I read the conversation, I think this is more cringey than anything else and she could have also asked him to stop at any times but she didn’t and instead is just waiting for the internet to fight for her.
This game is Game of Thrones S8 meets The Last Jedi. Enjoy your subvertions because oh boy you will need it.
I did not know Danny Trejo had a restaurant.
Have you seen the spoilers? Do you know what I am talking about?
Word of warning: as someone who also thought this was just idiots complaining about progressiveness, if those leaks are real, the game’s plot is just awful.
If those leaks are real, - and I hope they aren’t - I am definitely sitting this one out.
I’m so sorry that a character has a phobia that pisses you off.
Yes, a police car has been dispatched to you location. Wait, I watched evangelion too, damn.
I feel “influencers” should be punished more severely to show how they’re held to a higher standard than other players.
Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time.
Probably made in China
Sending death threats to Anno is more of a tradition than a crime.
They most certainly have that right.
I think the movie was maybe more of a character study, while people were expecting an action film for some reason.