
Did we accidentally get a Jezebel article on Jalopnik?

Here’s the true answer: Every single Toad that puts on the specific princess crown can and will turn into Peach. Why do you think there’s a Toad at the end of every castle in the NES Mario? The crown is passed around as a means to manipulate Mario into “liberating” castles all over the mushroom kingdom. When the Toad

Some of us also have animals at home that we’d like to still be alive when we return there.

Because he is a fluff, and therefore his name is Hammond.

This is just science.

Best thing about the World Cup, is that every 4 years we get to listen to Americans suggesting various novel ways of how to fix football.

I think this is the right take. Not to say that there is anything wrong with the original commenter’s opinion — it often grates on me as being lazy design that in so many games violence is literally the only way you can interact with the game world and that is a problem, so I totally agree with him on that — but I

If the director wants to tell a story that is full of violence, so be it. That is his artistic direction. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. I personally like the gritty violence. No need to censor it.

I see what you’re saying, but I think Naughty Dog have proven that they can present violence in a challenging, critical way. I don’t remember often feeling a sense of triumph from violence in the first game. Particularly at the end, I felt a sense of disgust. And as I believe they stated as their intention with those

Microsoft’s long awaited Crackdown 3 is also finally coming out in February.

These fuckers cannot and should not stop until there are saliva trails dangling between people’s lips.

Did they just chuck the white bucket that had the snake in it behind the fence at the end?

Each one incrementally increases the number of times Kratos calls Atreus “boy”.

Didn’t Doki Doki have something like this in its near-end game?

They were just pullin for their team.

Two things:

Is that a problem? Honestly, how is pure individualism working out in the west? I’m all for people being individuals after they first learn how to be part of something bigger than themselves. I think people lack a lot of empathy, manners, and respect for one another because of overt individualism leading to isolation

The amount of butthurt in the comments here is enough to make even Zero Two blush.

Taking a break to focus on his own issues and his family is definitely the right thing to do. That said, I hate when people make mistakes and then say “it’s not who I am.” Dude, it may not be who you want to be, but it absolutely is who you are or you wouldn’t have done it. That said, he definitely seems genuinely

Thanks for writing this. I feel like I could’ve written it myself. Medication has helped a lot for me but the thing that helps the most is regular yoga and barre exercises. It causes me to be in the moment and doesn’t allow me to focus on the thoughts cycling in my head. Fortunately for me, my very first panic attack