
Will never forget when our Mexican Peso fell a little when Hillary had some health issues...JESUS CHRIST

Where do you think we are?

Played the mode with the locked characters and our Tracer and Torb dropped at the begining, me (Mercy) and the other guy (Rein) decided to stick around to give it a try and OH MY GOD THAT WAS FUN AS FUCK, couldn’t believe that we actually made it through and won, Mercy’s gun can really do some damage, they definitely


I posted on my FB and a friend called me an asshole then apologized because he saw it was real, could not had been released on a better day.

Any plans for the 2 years anniversary?

Good thing that’s only your opinion my man

-720p 30FPS

She is great but by no means indestructible (thank god), Widow can absolutely destroy her as well as Pharah since Orisa’s gun is not hitscan, but still, on the right hands she is gonna be an interesting addition to the roster!

She is great but by no means indestructible (thank god), Widow can absolutely destroy her as well as Pharah since Orisa’s gun is not hitscan, but still, on the right hands she is gonna be an interesting addition to the roster!

Yeah but will come later on so you have to buy it twice

If you want to practice a new hero I would suggest going against AI on Hard where Zennyatta is an indestructibly force of nature.


Entry level gaming LAPTOP

A company that does not listens to its core working force is doomed to failure but I guess that for the Silicon Valley kiddos all that matters are those flashy, inflated valuation numbers that in reality mean nothing, let’s see where Uber stands by 2020.

Had the same mentality until I got to try a Logitech G Pro, my life was never the same to the point that I had to get another one for my work because I couldn’t cope with using a regular mouse anymore. (Also my work PC can do some good gaming)

Crooked Ash though he could keep getting away with it, glad Team Rocket is finally fixing things. Sad!

Sadly the OP3 uses a proprietary charging solution, so it’s only compatible with chargers with the “Dash” branding...which means only the ones that they sell directly.

Sadly the OP3 uses a proprietary charging solution, so it’s only compatible with chargers with the “Dash”