Florence in concert is probably one of the best experiences in my life tbh, that woman on stage is something else.
Florence in concert is probably one of the best experiences in my life tbh, that woman on stage is something else.
Heck, my 2012 laptop can handle 4 Dualshocks 4 at the same time with no issues AT ALL, dang it MS.
Heck, my 2012 laptop can handle 4 Dualshocks 4 at the same time with no issues AT ALL, dang it MS.
The last time I did that I ended up making $2000/hr working from home, maybe I should do it again!
I guess it really depends on the game, I have played probably for more than 100 hours and I don’t think I have ever encountered someone cheating, I’m really glad for Blizzard’s approach on these scum people though, more companies should follow suit.
You need jesus
>Be me
>Could perfectly assist to this because I live in Tijuana, Mexico and could get to the San Diego airport easily
>”Open only to U.S. Citizens”
;__; everytiem
Wait for the benchmarks I guess but the 1060 seems to deliver the power of a current 980, I would only consider a 970 if you could get it for $200 or less.
Definitely wait! But you will have to be very patient (or quick) because I’m pretty sure that stock will fly for a few months like the 1070 or 1080.
What do you mean? Bastion has barely been a problem on any of the matches I’ve been in the past weeks, it has become a very easy hero to counter as long as it remains on its turret form. Heck I can even take one down on my own with a Soldier 76.
Geo-redirects are still not working and rubbish :/
Geo-redirects are still not working and rubbish :/
They said final of this “season” so I guess there will be more in the future
Oh now it makes sense! I live in Mexico and most of the times (I would say 3 out of 5 links I click) doesn’t work, it just sends me to a search query.
Oh now it makes sense! I live in Mexico and most of the times (I would say 3 out of 5 links I click) doesn’t work,…
Thanks for my new Facebook cover :D
While the graphics certainly aren’t uncanny valley (still, pretty damn good though) in my opinion is the facial expressions what makes this scene feel too damn real, it’s like you are actually watching 2 people “acting” and this is because the insane amount of detail ND worked on the conversations between the…
I think the level of graphics they manage to squeeze out of the PS4 (and PS3 with Last of Us) is a technical achievement on its own. Also better graphics wouldn’t make Uncharted 4 any better overall, the game is good because of the gameplay and story.
“My personal taste and experiences represents 100% of the market”
First it was “Stop pre-ordering games” and now is “Stop buying games at launch”...I wonder where we will end up with all of this.
I personally found the Steam controller to be pretty uncomfortable to play RL but yep I usually play better on PC :p
Or maybe just scroll down this post instead of taking time and energy commenting about it? It’s literally just one post a day (more if you visit the Kinja deals page) from a team that is separated from the editorial content that helps to keep the Gawker network running.
Or maybe just scroll down this post instead of taking time and energy commenting about it? It’s literally just one…