
Can't wait to play this on my PS4

Also, "throught"...gee working on Christmas Eve is ruining my English! I'm getting out of here!

>Be me
>Be in Mexico
>Live in the border, can perfectly buy PSN Funds to add to my american account
>Want to watch The Interview on my PS4
>Can't buy it throught PSN
>Have to use YouTube to watch it
>Can't use my PSN funds to pay
>Can't add my credit card because it isn't issued by an american bank
>Torrent the movie

How dare you apply logic and reason on a thread like this?

But honestly, I am only expecting it to have a few extra lighting tricks that seem to appease the mindless masses.

That was absolutely beautiful Phil, thanks for sharing and keep on playing!

And with 1 year left for the actual movie, there is still A LOT of production left, I'm sure this was just a quick fix for the fans.

Yes, you already said that 3 minutes ago. We get it.

$350 as the norm? Where? Sometimes I've seen it at $380 on Ebay and only ONCE at $350 on groupon so I don't get where this is the norm.

Do you guys think the PS4 bunduru is a good deal? Was planning to get a PS4 in december with those 2 games anyways and saving around $100 sounds good to me.

That PSA about drinking launched my sides into orbit, how do they manage to keep the show this funny after so many years?

At least on PS3 they are completely rendered scenes, they look the same as this

"Angry guy yells at website"

Where do you get a refurbished PS4??

What? This article is crazy, off to the Twitters I go to blow it out of proportion

OMG Leo is back yaaaaaaay :D Welcome back!

Why live? ._.

If I could play the game without being kicked out of their servers every 20 minutes that would be great. There are many of us who can't even complete a strike mission.

Loved the fact that when I saw the intro for Guardians of the Galaxy I immediately knew I was in for an EPIC movie

All I ever wanted was to play Led Zeppelin on my Rock Band and that never happened... why live ._.