
They don't become famous because they obviously aren't from the future

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY, didn't he enter a high security prison just to make sure a witness didn't spell out his name?! Me thinks that audio was supposed to play later on the game. I've heard it on Act I.

No D: but it's definitely the next one of my list!

Yes kinda, for me it was a HUUUUUGEEEE letdown

Don't be ridiculous, clearly this is because of Ubisoft poor optimization or no desire to bump graphics on PC at all, this comes from a Playstation guy

They didn't got a copy before the release because Ubisoft are jerks so they had to wait until the official release like everybody else.

That game WAS THE SHIT

Oh FOR FUCK'S SAKE stop it with the mixed up names comments, we all get it. Awesome review as always Charlie :)

I would put it between awesome and fucking awesome, something like F-Awesome!


Now playing

Aww yiss that song always makes me trip balls. If anyone is interested.

Are you high?

made me think

This is multi-platform but Microsoft always gives Activision massive amounts of cash so their advertising makes it sound like it's an exclusive game

My thoughts exactly, or if they had the baby already he could use the #3 costume and I would die.

The FCC (will) accidentaly the whole Internet

Great! Will try it in 4 months when I have enough visible beard to shave :|

Well the show runners pretty much know how the books end since they literally sat with George and discussed what was going to happen with every single character, they may not know in full detail but just enough to keep running the show if they run out of book material.