
Don't be ridiculous, clearly this is because of Ubisoft poor optimization or no desire to bump graphics on PC at all, this comes from a Playstation guy

They didn't got a copy before the release because Ubisoft are jerks so they had to wait until the official release like everybody else.

That game WAS THE SHIT


My thoughts exactly, or if they had the baby already he could use the #3 costume and I would die.

That's what the goverment WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE

Hey guys,

I was never able to play this DLC for glitches and errors (not related to my console or disc), that was frustrating as hell and support from Naughty Dog was nowhere to be found :|

I was a little hesitant in buying it but after playing this browser version I completely felt in love and went straight to the app store to get it, best $2 ever spent!

It's been a week of countless attemps to get my damn game working so I can play Left Behind, games takes FOREVER to load ANYTHING and then there is no audio (both my PS3 and disc are in perfect condition), I feel like giving up and just watch a Let's play with PewDiePie or some shit like that.

Meh I'll get that for PC.

This is why I'd rather have a Playstation, I enjoy Sony exclusives so damn much. But oh well maybe in a few years someone will release an emulator.

I agree, I don't understand this suddent "this game doesn't deserves anything" vibe thats going on around here when a few months back everyone were pissing their pants. I guess that hating what everybody else loves is a cool kids thing.

Well then, go and write about it on YOUR videogames blog and carry on.

Oops I didn't catch that one! Let's just hope it works as advertised!

It only streams PS3 games

I agree, and their advertising works because I don't see any other way they could fund that much stuff