
Not a fan of their choice for Ellie (looks a little bit too old for the role) but other than that, pretty well done!

I believe "blow your fucking mind" falls short...THE INTRO WILL LEAVE YOU SCARRED FOR LIFE

Install ProxMate! It works amazingly good!

Humiliate the HUGE population of RICE in my town (Tijuana, Mexico) while trying to survive all the road bumps and very damaged roads...probably it wouldn't last that much :(

"Oh sh*t my boss just saw me doing this"

When I read "what Michael said" I was expecting to read how much money you make from your home on your computer...damn spam bots have me traumatized.

Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag Please tweet my hashtag JUST DO IT GOD DAMMIT

"It's not just you! http://dreamhost.com looks down from here"...i don't think that's a good sign for a hosting service :|

For the responses you got. You made it.

Maybe it was a carrier here in México, people love Blackberry in here TO DEATH.

That launch event was...so..painful to watch, they were trying too damn hard.

If you're outside of the US install ProxMate, it's awesome :D

>Optical drive

Today i learned that the gaming community (at least on Kotaku) are nothing but a bunch of whiny little girls who only complain about the most ridiculous things ever... seriously guys it's embarrassing...if the PS4 would have packed better specs to match what you guys believe are "outstanding" specs...the console would

I agree...comparing a (probably) $400 console to a $1500 high end PC is so stupid..it's all the bitchin' i'm hearing right now "hurrdurr my PC is better than this" well FUCKING CONGRATULATIONS but no matter how powerful your PC is..you won't be able to play Infamous.

That the Xbox counterpart will manage very similar features. If you want something new go to the Wii U.

My thoughts exactly! But i do wonder for how long we are are going to be capless and i feel we should enjoy it now because it definitely feels like it will not be for much longer :|

If such technology were applied on Mexico (at least in Tijuana) the server would literally crash and burn from all the potholes that we have...seriously it's insane.