Mike Aguilar

Isn’t Florida already a white ethnostate? And look at where it is... I’ve heard enough tails of the adventures of Florida Man and Florida Woman to know that I never want to live there.

Of course he was. When the most dangerous people and most likely to be the perpetrator of mass shootings are white and the country refuses to do anything because it’s easier to go after Black people, people like this get to go on about their business until they kill someone.

Example #234 why white American males aren’t going to really have the fortitude to fight that great war they keep trying to inflame.

Let’s suppose this terrorist was a 19 year-old muslim American to came back to a school, blew himself up and took 17 lives. How long would it take goosestepping Repubs getting in front of the camera screaming why this means there should be tighter immigration control, blah blah. I’ll tell you: two minutes.

I’m intrigued by the fantasy of the white ethno-state. Seriously, for a large part of history, white people lived in relative isolation, no? During those times, didn’t they find reasons to hate each other, fight, and destroy each other’s land? When all of the PoCs are gone, won’t the whites find new ways to divide

Yep. America has a white identity extremist problem. These people are absolutely terrorists on par with any other terrorist organization. POTUS is a member, just doesn’t carry a card. The floodgates of hell have opened with this administration. It’s a Pandora’s box of the worst hate among us. If we don’t get back to

As the ADL notes, the ROF, which describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” is seeking to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida.

Plus they hate Jews, so a “white ethnostate” would require splitting Florida down the middle, with the Nazis claiming West Florida (which contains the Redneck Rivera).

“Jereb”... really...white identity endangerment.

This is their standard reply to ANY publicized shooting, right off the bat-no matter what information has been released. They must subscribe to Mein Dipshit’s mantra of “if you say it enough it becomes the truth”

Oh. Wow. Shocking. What a suprised. I am floored. Never would I have imagined this. Time to think and pray.

It’s never you’re fault is it? Funny how a high school kid (who just murdered 17 of his former classmates and injured 15 more) was a registered voter,(it’s never your party either is it? Quelle Surprise.) and a communist, and a member of Antifa even th0ugh a white supremacist group just claimed him as a member.

How did we get to the point where seeking to create a white ethnostate = he acted on his own behalf when he murdered all those people?

11 of the those 14 victims - by my calibrated brown paper bag - are definitely white, not Hispanic.

Smdh, but of COURSE he fvckin was/is!...but we’re supposed to believe that’s it’s the non-native brown/black people we should fear. We live in a sh1thole country people, believe that!

I wonder what Jordan Jerub looks like. No doubt he is a high grade specimen of superior white genes, a living demonstration of white mental capacity, a veritable...oh my...look at that neckbeard. Does he have Bells Palsy? Why is his face and head like that? Is his right ear hiding? Come out little guy! Oh yeah, this

Did they admit this in order to help the investigation? Or to proudly say, “that’s my boy!”

Why do racist white people always push the false narrative that they’re being oppressed or threatened? You live in a system that benefits you while shitting on minorities (redlining, wealth gap, etc), so how can you the the beneficiary of white supremacy and a victim all at the same time? Why is the only solution to

Sigh. Ya know, next time this kinda shit happens, and its linked to some white supremcists, I’m afraid I wont even have the will to give a sigh. It’s like I’m losing the will to even give snark, much less outrage, cause nothing’s ever going to be done. These groups are just going to continue to normalized. If these