MacKenzie Queen

Incredible episode. 

Nah, Myrtle was a cis girl who thought she was safe in the girl’s bathroom, until a duplicitous boy busted in, flashed his snake without consent, and then murdered her. A cautionary tale.

I dunno about “terrible.” Anodyne and middle-of-the-road, sure. (with apologies to Alfonso Cuarón) Rowling in particular has put me off wanting to spend any more time or money on Potter, not to mention my increasing disinclination toward revisiting endless IP franchises. Like, yes, it sure is fun to wallow in

Not true. Succession was able to do it.

No one is saying there are 60 characters with lines, jeez, keep calm.

My prediction/wish for post-Endgame didn’t come true but I still think it could be a good way to build the franchise back up: I think they need to focus on fun team-ups and smaller stories. I think the best part of Ragnarok and the reason it worked overall was because most of the movie was about Thor and Hulk

This is such a fantastic piece of adaptation, and I hope this creative team gets to continue with the story post-Interview.

If anyone reading can’t imagine it, here’s some help.

This would have disqualified, and should, any one back in the normal times from ever getting close to an elected office, let alone the White House. Trump has done serious generational damage to our country and the body politic.

What continues to vex me most about Trump is that he’s happily proven all on his own that he’s a complete and utter asshole since the 80s, yet he has a cult that literally worships him. I just don’t get it. 

They’re good in that they’re fast and fun, but not great in that they really can’t offer enough to stick in your mind the second you stop watching.

It seems to me that since the 2005 reboot, Who has been leaning more and more into the dark, apocalyptic storylines, but there’s only so many apocalypses you can have, and the tedious and poorly thought out Flux showed that. Also, the Doctor being angsty and tortured about this or that thing in their past was kind of

Apparently, caring about Doctor Who, or any Western media in general, is sooo 2014 now, according to the whippersnapper I talked to this morning.

Having been through multiple eras of the show now I’ve developed a thicker skin to the “fans” who just whine about anything they can get their hands on. This is the most excited I’ve been personally for the show since the around the 50th, Gatwa’s already a star in my book

Or that lovable himbo Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove.

The Marvels featured a pretty nifty training montage where the 3 Marvels learn to use their powers together. I thought that movie was unfairly panned, it was fun yarn, more Legends of Tomorrow than Secret Invasion, and hope people are kinder to it over time.

Much like Splinter, Kotaku, The Root, Jezebel, Deadspin and now the A.V. Club and The Takeout?

Why do people believe aliens are on or have visited Earth? For the same reason(s) people still believe in God despite overwhelming contradictory evidence — the truth is more than they’re willing or able to grasp or accept. We want ‘answers’ we can understand, answers that make things ‘make sense.’ That’s why invented

No, I’m right there with you. And you know the biggest reason why? It’s one of the rare vampire properties that has a true sense of history. Like, you actually believe all these people have been alive for centuries... because they’re so damn out of touch! On top of that, though, a vampire having a sense of long-lived,

The daddest dad to ever dad: