
Yeah, and if the study had been done on coal-rollers or Harley riders you wouldn’t have a fifth of the complaints about biased samples.

Here’s my thing about loud exhausts - I don’t want people to know when I’m full throttle. My truck would probably sound nice with the exhaust opened up a little bit. But with the stock exhaust, I can stomp on it from stoplight to stoplight and no one can tell. No one turns their head, no police are notified from

I love how the second someone releases research that people don’t like, everyone’s instantly an expert on scientific rigor.

the fuck is “News Nation”?

Auto manufacturers, and Porsche especially, make BANK off of options packages.

What does the YouTube channel do that Edmunds TCO doesn’t do?

But elsewhere on Jalopnik I’ve been attacked

Car people see a Ghibli and scoff,

Tesla goes with narrow tires on wide wheels for a stretched fitment from the factory. This makes them extremely susceptible to curb damage. Probably contributes to more frequent flats if you slam the unprotected wheel into a pothole instead of the tire taking the hit.

I checked out the Model 3 Performance just to see - the OEM tires are XL load range, which plenty of tires meet. Nothing special about that. Normal tires are fine.

Kudos if you can figure out how to post an image on Kinja. Usually for me it’s double or nothing.

Special. Exclusive. Fun. Brain-meltingly fast.

“I want something interesting and unique that not every idiot owns. Exclusivity.

Multiple times per week I find a reason that I need to unlock or lock or get into or let someone into a car without having the keys.

Looks like rough raw castings with machined steel parts on each end.

Toyota hasn’t made any money?

It was never “BMW Supra or Toyota Supra,” it was “BMW Supra or no Supra.”

Yeah I was trying to figure out which Japanese automaker came up with a JDM-only bougie van until I saw the image credit.

That the Miata is a girls car/hairdressers car.

I was hoping you guys actually bought it and were going to K-swap or Fiero swap it or something interesting.