
There’s a regular McChicken sandwich? We only have the Hot N Spicy McChicken here, so I never knew there was a non-spicy version!

Marathon coming back was a shock, though the second I saw the S’pht I knew it was... then I learn its a PVP extraction shooter. Talk about whiplash, I went from hopeful to crushed.

They also actually have an upgrade path, so you start with sad weak potions and upgrade them at the apothecary at certain levels with certain items.

The chocolate egg with Reese’s Pieces inside is the obvious winner over these others.

Please Ghost of Tsushima. I want to play it again on PC!

Yeah I hear people trying to debunk this all the time (JKLA being one of the more obnoxious cited ones) and I’m sorry heirloom or not, high end or low end, tomatoes end up flavorless and tasting like the color gray out of the fridge. Its just fact.

This is the most correct I’ve ever seen a human being be on the internet. I never comment, and I specifically decided to log in and comment because this is the true answer.

Sioux City (both root beer and sarsaparilla) are my fave rootbeers, but very happy to see A&W high on the list!