Mikado Violettor

It’s nice that you are trying to offer credence to this Tax Scam Bill not being voted through, but the votes aren’t mixed and it will pass. This is why Franken’s seat is so important. If Ray Moore can lose in Alabama can a Republican win in Minnesota? It’s not as crazy as you might think. Franken really should stay.

I got my very white mom three Ta-Nehisi Coates works [Eight Years in Power, Between the World and Me, and The Beautiful Struggle], along with Song of Solomon and Tar Baby.

This is such a problematic way to look at player leadership within the NFL.

I freely admit that I am quite unfamiliar with this network of sites. I follow Jezebel and The Root on Twitter, but have no real understanding of why there is a sports site here as well. I assumed it was a woke place for alternative [though becoming more mainstream] sports theory. Maybe it still is, or maybe it’s on

See but that’s just it. When the jokes are *about* Tom Brady the actual reality of the situation is obfuscated. Tom Brady *is* the joke.

Reproductive Health is fundamentally an issue of privilege.

Thanks, and yeah - I figured. The common sports fan has no idea what Kaep is doing with his Know Your Rights Camp. And yet, he’s doing it and succeeding. He isn’t just a great quarterback, he’s a great person. Get to know him. He doesn’t need the press that a job in the NFL would give him, but he deserves it.

Non-stop articles about Brady won’t save the NFL. If anything, using Brady as a mascot for a failed league only hastens the decline. And yes we get that the intent isn’t so much to save the NFL as it is to crowd out Kaepernick’s voice on justice within and outside the league, but y’all aren’t succeeding there either.

Agree that fines/sentences/etc must be more lenient for POC, but that doesn’t mean we should be taking it easy on non-POC.

This isn’t about flight risk, this is about justice. Jail.

House arrest? This is a pretty blatant display of white privilege. She should be in jail.

I miss Obama so much.