Mikado Violettor

Bill Simmons created the platform you now use to slander him - internet blogs.

Right. But there’s more potential to be green with Amazon [an internet company after all] than there is with malls [think suburbs in Flyover Country].

Malls are just about the least green space I can think of.

Sooo... just because it has a dick doesn’t mean it’s a man. Jez probably gets to talk about adult stuff because they are the adults here.

Who should Hillary run as her VP? Warren? Oprah?

Interesting, because I was in AP history in high school and minored in history in college.

I’ve never been to Texas and I will continue my boycott until it turns blue.


Menopause-shaming? Really?

No reason other than the fact that we’ve been working on exactly this for over a year now. We are in the Flyover States. We are talking with voters. They know they made a huge mistake and they are vowing not to repeat that in 2020. They are vowing to vote for the first woman president. Hillary.

Choked it away. Right. Choked it away... I guess you are uneducated on how Trump colluded with Russia to steal it from her.

So, I’m kind of “in the know” on 2018 and the situation isn’t ours to lose... we’ve already won. You’ll see. Texas will flip blue and so will all the Flyover States that screwed over Hillary. They will vote for her in 2020. It’s already prepared. Anyone but Hillary introduces way too many variables and unknowns.

This is not a smart comment. Not saying that you aren’t smart, you probably are. But this comment is one of the dumbest things I have read in a while.

Shorter Version: Colluding with Russia to steal an election has consequences.

Now THIS is how we turn the Blue Wave into a m*therf*cking tsunami. Congratulations to this judge and to the entire resistance. We made this moment possible.

Neither sensitive nor wise to make light of a grave threat to this nation. Please edit your comment to something more tolerant, tolerable, and tasteful.

Prose? So... liking figure skating [a notoriously homosexual sport] is automatically insincere? And yes, we get your “jacked” double-entendre.

It is quite literally impossible to be more incorrect than this.

More proof that The Miracle of Science is a NET POSITIVE for life, regardless of what Flyover State Republicans tell you. And that includes abortion.

Most people don’t see it yet, but the case against Trump, specifically Donald Trump, is coming together beautifully. He will be in jail by March of next year.