Lothar of the Chill People

I don’t get the first story in this article. Like the headline is mad that they’re taking attention away from a BLM protest because of something that isn’t even confirmed? So in frustration over 2 people that are getting more attention from the media than a protest you’re going to.... write an article about the 2

Seriously? It’s not like they held a press conference - they were simply living their lives/affectionate towards each other in public - which I’ve seen many non famous folks do at protests. How are we to know if it’s they’re “debut” out together, or the first time ppl noticed? We’re angry if celebrities are silent,

It’s called desegregation.  

From what I have read, for the locals the recommended swim procedures for the lake is “don’t swim in that lake if you are interested in not drowning” something like a dozen people have drowned there since the mid 90s. There is next to no visibility, the aforementioned trees current, and wind issues, the lake is rather

The whirlpool stuff is local legend. The lake has no underwater currents at all, per the divers. What does happen though, is in the afternoon the wind over the lake tends to pick up and it can be sudden, particularly in the northern end where they were. Enough to create chop and a surface current on some days. More

That was weird.  Why are they using senior staff to parody bro culture, that was never a thing in Star Trek.  If anything, the jokes should be that the senior staff are all stuffy boomers that, even if the fucking future, still want to sit around memorizing Wordsworth and playing 5-card stud.

Putting aside the kinda lame style, it would be a lot easier to appreciate a show like this if we actually had a Trek show at the moment that was at all reverent or understanding of the philosophy of the shows that came before it.

Earlier today, I stumbled on a video from one of the best naval historians out there, Craig Symonds, on his consulting work for the outstanding Greyhound.

Given the bridge crew, I expected to see Waco O’Guin and Roger Black (Brickleberry, Paradise P.D.) involved with this. They’re not, but Lieutenant Shaxs has that “dumb, loud, mustachioed boss” look and Dr. T’ana is the sci-fi version of the talking pet.

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

As a physician, "Scrubs" was much, much, much, much, more accurate than "ER."

I liked Scrubs even though I’ve never seen ER.

I’d think 30 Rock would be more of a time capsule because it was more about pop culture than Scrubs.

I’m surprised Disney is allowing any fucks into it, given how casual they’ve been about editing other movies so far.

Cameron Stewart

a trainwreck that mishandles a historic lesbian lead, even.

If this was just a temporary thing until Kate returns played by a new actress, then I guess I could accept that but if this is really supposed to be the new status quo then I’m not happy about it.

Problem was Lincoln was killed before any of that was even an idea. By the time he was replaced by the openly racist and hostile Johnson, it was too late. 

The pathetic save is fucking hilarious in its audacity. “I may be a fucking moron—but I’m certainly not a racist!!” But no one expects racist white people to be smart.

Never mind that his attempts to “fix” this error all but implies what he really meant anyways. Those deaths weren’t murders, they where all justified

I could totally get it if an actor has been playing a character so long they seem completely intertwined. Like I basically can’t see a Green Arrow that’s not Stephen Amell. But with this... it’s been one season. And as the article noted, Rose didn’t blow minds or anything. The CW needs to realize their audience aren’t