I wonder if it’s ever going to be acceptable to just read something and not feel compelled to yell LOOK I READ THIS from every mountaintop as a result.
I wonder if it’s ever going to be acceptable to just read something and not feel compelled to yell LOOK I READ THIS from every mountaintop as a result.
What I got from this is that AOC is actually trying to figure out how best to push her agenda, even if that means playing ball with the centrists every so often. HOW DARE SHE!!!! Despite her outsized and frankly deserved influence in the political and particularly progressive scene, she seems to understand that she’s…
Can’t these same powerful electromagnets be used to hurl poop into the sky?
Boom. Problem solved! You’re welcome navy.
This is what drives me fucking insane as a trans woman. Because on the one side, you have a ton of cis people saying things that are just blatantly incorrect because they don’t understand just how much HRT changes your body, especially if you start young. To give you an idea, I started at 19 and the movement of my…
I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.
While Fox was the first to do a scoreboard graphic for NFL games, they didn’t invent the concept. When the U.S. hosted the FIFA World Cup in in ‘94, a month or two before that NFL season began, their games had constant scoreboard graphic — I’m pretty sure it was on ESPN. And I’m just assuming ESPN cribbed that from…
I thought the scene was pretty skeevy when it came out, tbqh. Never really was a fan of the American Pie series, they were like Porky’s except even dumber.
“Will she mention Bill Clinton’s multiple affairs and alleged rapes when he dies?”
I agree. Not only did the episode seem flat overall, the filming consent scene was rough. I mean, I understand that not all AVC reviewers agree with each other, but I find it odd that this scene was conveniently skipped in this review when a similar scene in Kimmy Schmidt was the centerpiece of that review, which was…
I love LD and have been a fan forever, but the “asking for consent” scene bugged me. Maybe it was just my mood tonight, but I felt the sexual harassment storyline was a bit, I don’t know, disrespectful? Insensitive? Patronizing?
i take these same pills.
He brought the bones of the golden tomahawks home in a doggie bag and intends bring them to a lab
Philip Singleton, the sponsor of Georgia’s proposed bill who incidentally believes abortion should be illegal, told Georgia Public Radio that he was concerned chiefly with women’s equality. “We have fought for a long time to get the equalities that they have: the right to vote and the right to work and the right to…
A yes, Republicans are concerned about fairness and the treatment of women. So concerned that they fail to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, defeat legislation promoting equal pay for equal work, and loosen Title IX protections for campus assault, deny a woman’s right to make decsions regarding her own body,…
You know why he was 30 minutes late? They were waiting on the sun to be in the right position for him to make that Sun God entrance through the double doors. What an evangelical piece of stagecraft, how theatrical. I’m surprised the Mormon Tabernacle Choir wasn’t there to burst into Hallelujahs!
Everyone was raving about the finale or nitpicking other details to the point where I don’t think Lindelof really got enough shit for the ultimate resolution of the Judd Crawford storyline, but it honestly annoys me more and more the more I think about it.
Well we goddamned better be getting the last season of Saul on U.S. Netflix soon, then!
I simply used Watchmen because for me personally, the writing didn’t work at all. I’m not shitting on it to boost BCS so much as pointing out that in my opinion BCS has better writing than much higher profile shows. I chose Watchmen partially because I think it’s hugely flashy where BCS is hugely understated and yet…
Well that is the answer older people did you ask the question solely so you could be a jerk?
The Last OG films on my block every few months. Keep in mind that Tracy suffered a pretty severe TBI a few years back. The fact that he can do anything requiring memorization or timing for an extended period of time is truly a miracle of recovery.