Lothar of the Chill People

Familiarity isn't want Star Wars fans want. Good writing IS. 

Hey, that was me! :)

The finale covered a lot of ground and felt a little incomplete and rushed compared with the pacing of earlier episodes.  A few things in particular were disappointing . . . Laurie’s swagger disappeared and her character was just a spectator in the last few episodes . . . the penultimate episode dropped the bomb that

The journey was great. I was just a little disappointed by the ending. I know this is a very comic book guy thing to say and HBO’s Watchmen is a new story in a new medium and all that, but Dr. Manhattan being killed that easily (or at all, really) feels like a cheat. If you’re going to have a bunch of characters

I mean, the questionableness of anyone having Doctor Manhattan’s power and trying to use it “for good” was one of the major themes of the source work.

but in a recent interview, the ESPN host claimed he was working behind the scenes with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation to get Kaepernick a tryout.

Screaming A. is the sports version of Al Sharpton minus the perm. They both take credit for the sun rising yet never show you their work.

I am calm, that doesn’t mean the ending of Mass Effect 3 wasn’t lame. 

I think the problem w/ the Mass Effect endings was Casey Hudson saying in interviews there wouldn’t be any A, B, or C endings and that is exactly what happened.  I don’t think the backlash would have been quite as bad if not for the press junkets that were patently false.

the truly baffling thing is that as that was happening, the disney brass were ruthlessly cracking the whip on rogue one and solo. they created a system in which they explicitly said they were going to stand alone movies that would have creative freedom to explore different ideas, themes and characters in the SW

Yes, of course, but the joke was that (at the time, given how things looked for everyone) Russ was bragging about ripping off some “random doctor”, and Big Head didn’t put together that he was talking about his own dad.  It then became ANOTHER joke at the end when it turned out Big Head’s dad wound up being the only

Such an underrated part! For all the jabbing that Gilfoyle gives him, deep down inside, he trusted (and, based on the end, liked/tolerated) the guy! Warmed my heart.

She clearly painted a portrait of Shy that was making fun of him for being effeminate. I agree that she doesn’t think she outed him, but I think she knew she was walking the line.

I don’t think the show is going to turn on Midge; this is an Amy Sherman-Palladino production - the Gilmore Girls were the two biggest jerks in Stars Hollow, and the show expected us to love them. 

Ladies and gentlemen, narcissistic personality disorder: 

My favorite part was that when it came down to it, it was Gilfoyle who trusted Dinesh to do the right thing.

This seems very much like a bad faith argument from Wilde. 

What irks me is the absolute and total disrespect for a police officer who, instead of being home with family and enjoying a meal and a football game, is patrolling his little town...”

You know who is sabatoging Bernie?

Or utilizing party resources only when you want to and not paying dues...you’d think a guy who loves unions would get that.