Lothar of the Chill People

Bill the Cat ran for President, and Bill the Cat had Donald Trump’s brain in his body, but not at the same time, right? That was a much better state of affairs.

But it is insane for elected officials to actively call themselves Socialists when the south Florida vote is key to ending the Republican party as we know it. Cubans are illogical about socialism. Have been for fifty years. We know this. So don’t call yourself a socialist. You can keep the same policies. Why waste

I thought he already almost killed her in the water during Titanic.

She said she learned to free dive for the role and that her longest time was 7 minutes 14 seconds. She did not say she held her breath that long while filming scenes. She insinuated it. I think she did that on her own with a trainer under ideal conditions and is letting fans fill in the blanks with their own

Like Ford, I expect them to make up their caricature of Biden out of whole cloth. (I think Ford stumbled once so Chase made him a pratfall machine since that was what he was good at). Though they’ll probably go the easy path and go with the Fox news propaganda of old and doddering. They want to avoid the Obama

I was too gobsmacked by the idea that he prepaid taxes several years in advance so that it didn’t show up on his taxes. That isn’t how any of this works. Every one pre-pays taxes: that is why people get tax refunds when they pre pay too much. If you pre paid, your tax returns will still show what your taxes for the yea

Exactly. The last half of your comment is exactly it. And not just dedicated bigots. Idiot teenagers who don’t know anything. Also, how is it received by the people the comedian is being pretend-bigoted about. Anti-semitism isn’t the only bigotry Cohen deals with this way. If someone mocks anti-black racists by making

I find that the whole “acting racist to make fun of racists” bit usually boils down to just “acting racist.” That was the whole David Cross/Charlyne Yi kerfuffle. All these Sitcoms that just erased their blackface episodes? Exactly that.

I lived in Miami briefly. Doesn’t seem weird to me.

It goes to the House, but it is not voted on by the 435 representatives; It is voted on by the 50 states’ delegations. So California gets 1 vote, Wyoming gets 1 vote. In this situation, the GOP has a majority, and even after the 2020 election they will likely have a majority. Some people have said that the Dems need

I also don’t understand the mention of the Dream House winners not living in the dream houses more than a year. Of course they don’t! They aren’t expected to. Why would anybody leave their hometown, their family, friends and job to live across the country in a house that is far fancier and and bigger than what they

As a consumer, I find this announcement confusing. I’m not sure what Bethesda’s statement suggests with regards to multiplay.

She’d only do it because, as you say, it doesn’t matter until you get to 4 senators. I can’t imaging Manchin flipping. I don’t see what it gets him. This isn’t a clean energy thing or even a Kavanaugh or Gorsuch thing. The Democrats are on the side of moderate reasonableness this time after the GOP established a

I have trouble believing Grassley or Murkowski really meant it. They thought this would never come up and they could score free reasonableness points. Tillis and Collins would end their Senate careers by voting for a Trumpian justice, but stopping it would end their Republican careers and the Money train that comes

The Dems have no control over this. The Republicans don’t need any Dem votes or Dem cooperation. Pelosi and the House have nothing to do with it. Multiple Republicans would have to refuse on the basis that there was a clear precedent set in 2016. But that was always bullshit.

her blood alcohol content the next day was shown to be quite high: .238, almost three times the legal limit to drive in the state of Georgia.

The Median Cost is $0. Most people at Sturgis didn’t get Covid-19 and didn’t spend anything on Covid treatment. Even if you look at those who catch Covid-19, the median is $0 because most people are asymptomatic. If you want to look at the median cost among people who sought treatment for Covid, that all depends on

I totally thought you were saying it costs 12 British Pounds ($16 USD) to haul a car out of a creek. Like that’s what you paid last time it happened (presumably in Britain).

One of the points of child pornography and age of consent laws is to protect minors from themselves. So it completely doesn’t matter if Lords knew what she was doing or engineered it all. (If a stepfather or someone forced her into this, that is something else and of course matters.) What is important is that the

In 1994 Curtis Armstrong went to Pensacola, FL to escort clinic workers and patients to an abortion clinic after two separate Abortion Doctor murders occurred there in the span of about a year. This wasn’t a safe move; in the second of these attacks, the doctor’s escort was murdered as well. (Dr. David Gunn, Dr. John