Lothar of the Chill People

I both agree with you completely and am glad she shared this experience. It isn’t like other times when she has talked out of her ass or centered herself in a conversation where she isn’t at the center. This is a straightforward account of an experience. But poking fun is fine.

I know him from the political science concept,the BTKWB line.” It states that presidents have a minimum level of unshakable, irrational support. Even if the President Bush were to interrupt Monday Night Football to Bind, Torture and Kill Wilford Brimley for his own Sexual Gratification, he would still get a 25%

she later auditioned to play his wife in a show: “That is not what rape victims do.”

He is nowhere near the really unpopular stuff. That is all in the next book. I think the winner of the monarchy is going to get changed, not because it was unpopular, but because GRRM would realize it makes no sense when it comes time to write it. And it is so embarrassingly masturbatory: “There’s nothing in the world

Every time TV gets interrupted to announce “Sad News” I am going to have a heart attack worrying that it is about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So sorry to Regis for being relieved that you had died. RIP.

These people complain they are cancelled because they attacked a sports league for supporting Colin Kaepernick’s message. After a cop literally killed a black person by kneeling on his neck. The irony hurts my head.

People used to be cancelled by businesses all the time. For getting caught having a sex life, For having political opinions (Hollywood blacklist anyone?) Usually it was for pissing off someone rich, powerful and connected. These people are just mad that they aren’t as able to exert total power in closed rooms. Regular

I am pretty sure all Fox news hosts perpetually have a vacation scheduled for “Next Week.” If they stay out of trouble, it gets cancelled. This way you always have a paper trail of proof that the vacation was planned ahead of time. (as well as 52 other vacations that don’t get mentioned). This has happened way too

Thank you for the flattery! You’ll go far in this world. I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets this, but it sure could stand to be mentioned explicitly more often (both paragraphs). Not just in Comments sections. Occasionally there will be a fact check when Trump cites the court ruling where California had to remove

I bought DuckTales for the NES as a kid with my own money, thought it was great but beat it in one not particularly long night. I was flabbergasted and pissed. I returned it the next day and felt horrible about it, like I stole the game. That made me even more angry. How dare you make me feel bad Capcom/Disney. I

I bought DuckTales for the NES as a kid with my own money, thought it was great but beat it in one not particularly

Question: Who was the last Democratic appointed Justice before Ginsburg in 1993?

She was technically correct and morally wrong to stay in 2013-14. The system we have for Supreme court justices is so broken, but you have to consider that with the stakes. Her statement at the time“So tell me who the president could have nominated this spring that you would rather see on the court than me?” was pure

I think things would probably be different if NBC had hired an openly gay Hall of Fame Hockey player. (well U.S. Hall of Fame). That would probably also be true if they had hired a magic Pegasus from the planet Gloopgorp.  Roenick is just mad that he is infinitely replaceable.

After the 30 Rock reunion/ NBC Peacock ad, it is clear that the recent spate of scrubbing the internet was absolutely about protecting the white creators and networks. That show had an extended storyline mocking cancel culture. Jenna was ostracized by vengeful social media hordes but she earned her way back with

Are you seriously suggesting there aren’t articles speculating about the romantic situation between a famous man and woman photographed together? Of course with a Pansexual like Delevingne, can she go to a protest with anyone without debuting a relationship? (so yes I guess I am also agreeing with you that the

Cara is publicly bisexual/pansexual. So who is she allowed to go to a protest with?

Dear Republican Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theorists:

This thing was so cynical. It is clear that those Jenna in Blackface episodes were pulled by NBC and Peacock sales and marketing in preparation for this “special”advertisement. One of its storyline/jokes is about Jenna being “cancelled” by a social media storm. NBC figured they better scrub her blackface episodes

She didn’t fall out of a moving boat, so any kill switch was irrelevant. They stopped and got out to swim. The boy was in a a life preserver and she wasn’t. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem but apparently this lake has seriously dangerous water movements like whirlpools that can suck you under or make swimming

Discovery started at awful and went to okay but fundamentally flawed. Picard started off okay and went to bad and ended at stab-me-in-the-brain-stupid. They both seem to start with the premise that no one wants to watch Star Trek. So instead of improving Star Trek/ adapting it for modern tastes, you get a completely