
You choose one line out of the whole comic to find a problem with, completely ignoring everything it describes correctly.

You are making absolutely 0 sense. You implied im a stoner because i support medical marijuana and now you're trying to backtrack with 3 irrelevant points.

Maybe these were from soviet times, but that was over a quarter of a century ago, so not exactly indicative.

Havent smoked pot since high school, but nice try moron. You trolling or are you really that fucking stupid that smokes pot because of cancer=stoner?

Everything you open in a browser window stays on your computer long after you close the window. You have to clear your cache.

Whats so disgusting about that analogy? seems pretty accurate.

soooo...can i have your number?

Its even better when you pay for it. Those girls are proffessionals for a reason

Holy fucking shit, is that US law or canadian law. That shit is scary as fuck, most people i know get their porn from aggregate sites like xnxx and youporn and etc

isnt that kind of like insulting your own dick? I could never do that to little richard

i very much like me some dick sucking whores

Sorry remind me again who you are to tell me im not smart, what field is your masters degree in again?

posted above

"As always, I have to take issue with how Jez reports criminal allegations (as opposed to convictions). Look at it from the perspective of an innocent person (as our criminal justice system requires)- how is Dr. Luke supposed to defend himself? What if he really is innocent? It is a particularly difficult

What other way does he have to defend himself? Do we not live in a country where you're innocent until proven guilty? With no physical evidence the only way he can defend himself is to point out the irrational past behavior of the accuser.

You make a lot of sense. This is the wrong website for you.

If hes grinding his teeth hes doing meth, not coke. pure coke makes you extremely relaxed, coke cut with meth makes you grind your teeth

Its around more than ever and much higher purity than before. Shit high school kids who go to music festivals are doing coke these days. Maybe it was that generation of people who saw all the havoc it caused in the 80s that are in their 30s now that dont do it because of those memories but the 20 year olds and younger

lmao tell us more about how all men are cheaters and women never ever cheat.