
Yea, I have tons of respect for those Yemeni bodega owners; you know they work on really narrow profit margins, and closing down for 8 hours was a big sacrifice for a lot of them.

I don’t know, I think this is different. It’s clear that the Women’s March was intended to be a place for men (other than Jonathan Chait!), even though it was led by women. But if the slogan of this action is going to be “A Day Without a Woman”, then I wonder if it’s more selectively targeted. But I’m totally willing

This is just one prong of the protest effort. Folks who can’t take part in the strike will have many, many other opportunities.

This is good, but what about all the minimum wage workers and people whose bosses won’t understand? I think strikes can be effective but we also need systems of protest that are more inclusive for people who can’t afford to strike.

Do we need to go through this again? Get out there on the barricades, comrade.

Cool. Are there suggestions for how male allies can support the strike? Other than not being scabs?

Don’t read the comments on fb.

Interesting point, but on the other hand fuck you.

Considering, trollette, that Obama didn’t try to pull this kind of unconstitutional shit and he was STILL obstructed left, right, and center,
all I can say is, “Bugger off.”

As a white woman who voted for Trump, your vote was a performative act of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia.

Oh, go choke on a dick.

Go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Wow, we should all listen to this Magical Color-Changing Woman! (I saw that edit. lmao)

News Flash! Trump HAS ALREADY HAD A LOT of chances to show he is looking out for ALL Americans and not just his racist voters or 1% fundraisers.

Ok, I’ll bite. Was Obama trying to make Fascism happen in America? Was he signing inconstitutional EOs? Did he have a known neo nazi as his senior advisor?

I have nothing clever or insightful to say in response to this besides, “go fuck yourself”.

I hate to be the person that’s like “so and so should get fired over one dumb mistake,” but dude, even if he was like a great press secretary, your job is dealing with journalism sources and you don’t realize the Onion will never have anything good to say about you? Come on.

Well this seven sister grad referred to the idea of sleeping with Bannon in order to save America as equivalent to the first episode of Black Mirror, where the British PM has to literally fuck a pig.

Steve Bannon once referred to liberal-minded women as “a bunch of dykes that came from the Seven Sisters schools up in New England.”