
Now they’re doing the same exact fucking thing.

... And this godforsaken buffoon was somehow preferable to a woman who had been in public service her entire life because ...emails.

The mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, also put out a really wonderful statement expressing his hard intention for Pittsburgh to be a sanctuary city. I know a lot of you think we’re backwards hicks here but Pittsburgh is really trying.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

I wish people understood how hard it is to get citizenship in the U.S. It took a family member 20-plus years to gain citizenship thanks to a lot of red tape. Oh, and she also paid taxes the entire time (green card status!) and loves this country so because it provided her children with a quality education and much

As I was listening to NPR while stuck in traffic today, I thought of this quote from Fellowship: when did Saruman abandon reason for madness? Replace Saruman with GOP.

My church is already reaching out to undocumented people to help.

Did you see the interview with Masha Gessen on Samantha Bee’s show? Gessen was imputing some fairly arcane motivations to Trump, and Samantha Bee basically wondered whether he was intelligent enough to devise such advance plans.

Mayor de Blasio decried the executive order as “immoral” and vowed to fight the President tooth and nail.

Indiana State Senator Jack E. Sandlin also shared the “fat women” meme. He claimed he didn’t post it and has no idea how it ended up on his page (riiiiight).

Well, a woman’s value is entirely based on her appearance. So if you don’t like what she has to say, just remind her that you don’t find her attractive! That’ll show her!

I saw one of the fat shaming memes. It said “trump got more fat women out walking in one day than Michelle did in 8 years”. Fuck off.

Please add Bruce Jones, of West Chester, Ohio to your list. He posted on Facebook that women who marched were probably mentally ill, and also made reference to the “Transvestite alliance.” He has been fired from his real estate firm, but refused to step down or apologize.

“I had very little idea how vehemently some women hated women.”

That’s a good dog.

I had never heard of this woman and am now obsessed with her wikipedia page and ordering some of her books. Thank you for posting this!

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”

This administration is already bringing out the best in people. I cannot wait to see where this leads...

Agreed. To each and every one of them, I offer the following message:

These people can all go rot in hell.