
1. Is it really ‘better’ than the P100D and if so, how (e.g. handling)?

0% or 100% are the only options. It’s either 100% anarchy capitalism or 100% state-planned socialism. It’s simply not possible to imagine anything in between.

I wish that were true.

Yes, and the drivers.

You would be correct if the money paid was just a connection fee and the driver and rider negotiated their own payment. It’s not. All the money flows from the rider (customer) through Uber (employer) and a fraction of that to the driver (employee).

So, by that token, McDonald’s is a software company. Its restaurants are merely users of that software and the people making your food are ‘independent contractors’.

No. The money is for transportation. Not a customer/driver connection fee or entertainment. It’s transportation, plain and simple.

Their employees have, though.



Indeed. We have 37,000 miles on our 2015 Leaf. It has only ~85 miles of range. Would we like more range? Sure. Do we need it? No.


Wrong reading of 2nd. Please don't ignore 1st sentence.

Multiple devices and mobility.

I had no idea this drink existed until I read this article. Damn you, Katherine!

The gas stations deserve some of the blame. They earn far more money from the convenience store than the fuel. The fuel is nearly a loss leader to get people to walk inside and buy the high margin stuff. So, the last thing they want is to make it more difficult to walk inside.

For Your Eyes Only had a great car chase scene, and it was in the cheapest tin can they could find.

JFC, I don’t pay that much for my mortgage + taxes + homeowner’s, and we’re quite, ummm...“comfortable”.


You speak of people like they’re pigeons. Have you actually sat down with a hungry or homeless person and actually spoken with them? It’s amazing how human-like they are. I mean, they can speak, listen, and each one has a unique story!