
Wow. Stunning work. Maybe the best article I’ve read on this website. I love SFII but never dove into these odd port soundtracks.

The thing that frustrates me most are all the backwards compatible PS1 games that came to PS3 but didn’t make the jump to PS4 (and won’t make the jump to PS5, I guess?). I’m thankful for the PS2 classics that came to PS4, but the language is kind of ambiguous as to whether those will even work on the PS5, although my

You are free to form your opinion about Ono using baseless speculation, incorrect evaluation of game sales information, and bizarre personal animus or verifiable facts and readily available information about what he achieved and how instrumental he has been to fighting games today.

I’m certainly not taking this personally, although I am very appreciative of Ono and I think you’re misunderstanding the importance of his contributions to the genre.

I would ask, “extremely underwhelming” relative to what?

I’d like to see any corroborating evidence of your claim that SFVI was due out next year or that Ono had any culpability in issues with its development process. As far as I know, the game has not been publicly acknowledged to exist, nor have there been any reliable leaks about it - certainly no indication of the

While this trailer is beautiful, if Chrono Break were really ever to be released I’d like for it to be a step forward and away from Chrono Cross, just as Cross was so distinct from Trigger. 

This is the announcement of the official western release. But, if you’re impatient, the Japanese version of the PS4 game (not exactly new... but the same one we’ll be getting in the west) is completely translated into English. 

While there is no question your conclusion is wrong, (fighting game characters are rarely, if ever, used corratively to their popularity. There is a lot of money on the line and people pick whatever wins) your premise may also be faulty.

Tim, this is absolutely wonderful. I am punching up an academic article on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 right now (after all, I’m a professional, so I can do that sort of thing) and this video was profoundly helpful and interesting. Well, for my purposes, more the first half than the second. But it was uniformly informative

You mean you haven’t seen Ei8ht?

This PR hype actually means marginal changes to the MCU status quo. The things we can expect: no meaningful deaths (which is a decision I support, this is a comic book adaptation after all), maybe a few actor exits with options to return (which they inevitably will), and fewer big team-up movies with a pivot to more

I sympathize with you, at least partially. But I don’t think this article, or anything seen in the comments, is suggesting the movie should be banned or censored or “shut down.” I read this commentary a bit more charitably.

Oh, I eat meat. Often. I turn my nose up at most fast food burgers, but you can find me at my local bar eating a burger like once a week. I stand by my assessment. I think the Beyond Burger is quite good, even judged against the genuine article.

You have to cook them through, precisely as it says on the package. There’s no medium rare Beyond Burger.

Somehow, I don’t really trust Garcia’s takeaway here. But I’ll have to try it for myself. I have tried the easily-obtainable Beyond Burger and certainly find that to be above and beyond any fast food burger, at the very least. Though cooking it is a little different, I wouldn’t be able to tell it wasn’t meat by eating

Hey, on the bright side, at least Richard Nguyen qualified for battle of the stones! If anyone deserved it, he did. 

I’m sure this will be lost in the comments, but...

I think you are making the precise conclusion Bluehole wants you to make, and I think it is misguided.