It’s a genre name. Tactics games typically include larger parties on a larger battle field, involving also terrain. Think Final Fantasy Tactics versus Final Fantasy vanilla.
It’s a genre name. Tactics games typically include larger parties on a larger battle field, involving also terrain. Think Final Fantasy Tactics versus Final Fantasy vanilla.
Two Persona 3 games within a year time frame equals Persona 6. Math!
It seems to be similar to the Persona Q games, which were also excellent in my book (but I also love the Etrian Odyssey series of which those were a kind of crossover).
I would be fine with the grindy tower if it were more interesting. The procedural dungeon generation in P3 back then was kind of 1st generation. Even in P4 it was slightly better.
In our indie game studio we are experimenting with it whether it can help do some of the more tedious tasks that our artists would dread doing manually. Like, generating bazillions of facial expressions needed for our visual novel like dialogue system, based on the character portraits our 2d artists drew. Say, you…
I’ve personally used a Chat AI to spitball ideas for a name for a program I was developing. That was pretty good actually.
I wonder why people are trying to shoehorn AI into things that are meant to be made by Creatives (and is the whole point of game development), and not to just enhance the things we already often do procedurally.
1-2 Switch tried to be the Wii Sports of the Switch generation but just didn’t succeed.
But, hear me out, listen: What if Zelda was a girl?
I do miss the hookshot from the BotW style Zeldas...
I just wanted to uncover all of the surface and sky maps before continuing after finishing the Rito “regional phenomenon”.
I agree with most criticism against AI, but I am also still excited about the more benevolent applications where it is used as kind of just an enhanced version of what we already have.
Oh no, your Varia Suit broke! Good luck getting out of those Hell Caves to craft a new one before you get baked to death.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. They made a full on remake of Link’s Awakening, so they certainly have people and resources there doing that sort of thing, so I wouldn’t rule out another 2D top down Zelda even on Switch.
I don’t mind the explorative nature at all, but I would love to have more tooly items return. Like, in some of those caves in TotK, I swear I would love to have a hookshot. Plus, while “being able to go anywhere from the get go” is kind of impressive, I would still like some ability-based Metroidvania-like gating here…
Link’s Awakening remake was made after BotW, so I am sure these little “side projects” will still continue. Honestly they already made the engine, so they should still remake the Oracle games in the same style.
I never liked the Ocarina of Time template to be honest. I loved the 2D Zelda template though, like A Link between Worlds or even the Link’s Awakening remake showed could work on more modern consoles. I would like them to have that style still preserved at least.
How about another (third) 2D top down Zelda set in the A Link to the Past world with almost exactly the same map, eh?
I wonder if they would apply the formula to a 2D top-down-view Zelda too. Like think A Link between Worlds, with the BotW-TotK structure.
I always thought the Wii U was the Dual-Screen home console, kind of like the home console variant of the DS. Your second lower screen, with stylus, was on your hand.