
I bought this collection because I want to support them enough for them to find a Castlevania DS Collection worthwhile, where they put some effort into incorporating the second screen and touch controls (few as there were) into it seemlessly, instead of having a little flyout side view of the 2nd screen like on the

Nothing demonstrates the differences between China and Taiwan as much as the inclusivity for LGBT people.

Uhm, that are not mistranslations from Western Media. How about reports from CHINESE Language media, but outside of China, with press freedom? Like Taiwan? They’re reporting the same.

The inevitable question will be whether Genshin Impact will be banned in China due to the planned regulation of game contents (which outright prohibits non-heteronormative characters).

How’s your eyesight?

You mean a “sexy pachinko machine”.

Bloodstained is quite good, if it were in 2D with sprites, it would be up there. Only thing that irks me a bit is that the 3D rendered style doesn’t look too great IMO.

I know that a “DS Collection” would be more work to make because they need to somehow remove the second screen/touch features (though entirely possible, most can be approximated with analog sticks anyway), but man do I want that. And SotN/Rondo of Blood.

The demo that was released a few weeks back ended on quite a cliffhanger, I am curious how it continues! It definitely had an intriguing cast of characters, would love to see more of their interactions!

1) Blender Game Engine is discontinued and not included since Blender 2.8

Phone flashlights using the LED flashes are still way weaker than a simple AA-battery powered real flashlight.

It is a testament to the likability of Tales characters that there are actually annual popularity contests where fans vote which character they like the most. Like, ANNUALLY. Every year.

I think Tales games don’t get the credit for innovation they deserve.

I think you must have played a different version of Berseria than I did because I don’t remember any sex stuff in Berseria.

I loved in that stage where multiple ships from everywhere were stranded, how there was a mirror universe Constitution class wedged in there, complete with evil mirror Starfleet crewmembers (and their uniforms from that TOS mirror universe episode) in there.

What are you talking about, inner-Asian racism is also not okay obviously. Where are you living? Under a rock?

It’s a small spaceship. The USS Protostar is confirmed to be about the size of the USS Defiant from DS9, probably around 4 to 5 decks. The Defiant zipped around like a dogfighter all the time too.

Ouch, burn.

Since none of the current Star Trek shows overlap (they have relatively short seasons and play interleaved), it’s not “too much” but far less than in the 90s. Remember that a show like Lower Decks only goes for 10 weeks (10 eps) with shorter runtimes.

Enterprise also had a great intro that embodies the spirit of the show, which was the lineage of exploration into unknown waters. The footage of it going from early polynesian exploration of the Pacific, over the HMS Enterprize, the Enterprise Space Shuttle, Mars Rover, Cochrane’s Phoenix warp flight to end in the NX