
The NRA had to lobby to protect gun manufacturers against something so patently absurd it makes my fucking head spin.

I’m one of the few willing to erradicate large swaths of humans in order to fix this fucked up world. What are you willing to do? Have more worthless babies, I presume? Maybe raise awareness about dumb things like “gun violence?” Keep on keepin on, man...

Kill them all and start over?

Not caring is about as effective as caring, so how about everyone start “caring” about more important things like not having children or properly raising the ones they have?

Everyone is aware of gun violence. No one fucking cares, except self-serving celebrities. Fuck celebrities.

First of all, you’re an idiot. Second of all, you’re an idiot. Third of all, you’re an idiot. Fourth of all, most any American with a pulse and a reasonable level of intelligence (e.g. not a vegetable) is aware of “gun violence.” You don’t to live in a shitty part of town to be familiar with gun violence.

No better evidence needed to prove celebrities are fucking stupid, worthless human beings.

Awareness = respect. Moron.

You’ve never heard of a consensual gang-bang? Watched a bunch on the interwebs, so I’m pretty much an expert.

We’ve all known tobacco can cause cancer for decades and they put a nice, easy to read label on the cans saying as much. So every time Tony opened a can and ignored those warnings, he wilfully accepted the risks of cancer.