
He's my #1 dad.

I just can't get over why O'Brien is the one put on such a dangerous job. He's chief of engineering for the most strategically important outpost in the Alpha Quadrant and they even go through the effort of showing the station falling apart without him—apart from want to keep him around for that reason alone, I'm sort

I think there are always going to be be people who believe that Sisko is the "affirmative action captain." It's sort of the perfect barometer for white privilege casual racism.

Spoiler alert that shit.

Actually, she wasn't dimwitted at all.

I do love FBtS, but I find that as time goes on, it actually acts as a sort of lampshade on the fact that race still exists four-hundred years into the future. Benny dreams of transcending race, of black people being able to be space station captains one day, and meanwhile, Sisko is dreaming of Benny — the racial

I generally try to read the review before commenting, but y'know, YMMV.

He's a child who wanted desperately to have grown-up responsibilities, and they assented because they knew that he had to start accepting them… but grown-up responsibilities comes with grown-up consequences.

This bothered us as well. The two stories in this episode really painted a very stark picture of Steven as both a lonely, neglected child (who appears to equate food with love) but also as a fuck-up who doesn't have to experience the consequences of his actions. When Pearl tells him that the tower was crumbling and

FBtS is a great episode, and I'm not going to second-guess your decision, but if there's a S6 episode that deserves its own carve-out, In the Pale Moonlight is it.

I love Waltz. If you compare Dukat's closing speech with the Maritza's at the end of Duet these episodes act as perfect bookends.

Promise you'll be back soon!

Better yet, Rom's "Why?" When Keevan tries to intimidate him.

Dude—Sarina is straight-up Autistic. Brilliant and completely incapable of verbal communication or emotional expression.

Never underestimate Ferengi frantic scheming!

Jack's the only one who get get that vibe off of. Lauren is much too small-change… she'd be a menace to married men everywhere but hardly a pan-galactic war criminal. Patrick and Sarina are basically harmless and just needed proper home-care.

Totally. When they introduce her, she's convinced Bashir is madly in love with her from looking at his image on a holopad. So they've made the case that her genetic enhancements have given her such an over-the-top narcissistic personality disorder that she's convinced everyone is in love with her, and she wants

And sometimes it's voraciously sexy!

I think the whole point of having different breeds of clones for the Vorta is that each Vorta has different strengths and weaknesses. Yelgrun is not the master bullshitter that Wayoun is. He's the negotiator at the head of the army. When Quark takes away his advantage (I'm just going to kill you all anyway) by

I'm still trying to figure out what Statistical Probabilities is trying to say about Autism.