I realise this is missing the point entirely, but is that place real? Where is it? I'm fascinated.
I realise this is missing the point entirely, but is that place real? Where is it? I'm fascinated.
I am going to really inspect my fruit and veggies at the store from now on, and of course if I find something I'll burn the store down as experts have recommended.
..was told by pest control experts that she would have to burn anything that had come into contact with the spider eggs, as the arachnids are highly venomous.
Well, the American southern accent did evolve originally from English ones, so that makes sense!
Never spent any time in Texas, but I grew up in Florida. We earned our reputation over and over again. There may be stereotypes, but Floridians have no room to complain about them. They're almost entirely legitimate.
I'm from the Deep Dirty South and I've found that other Southerners think I don't have an accent, but Northerners think my accent is straight out of Gone With The Wind. I speak clearly and properly, but I can't let go of the i when I'm talking quickly and animatedly. If I'm in the middle of a rant... holy geez, cover…
I'm originally from Texas, with some other Southern states thrown into my early-childhood mix, then a move to Northern Virginia, CT, and NY after that, and have learned to be a good mimic as well. But, dissertation ahead.
I wish we could start a trend. Just one week of concerted boycott of buying NFL merchandise would send a message the owners couldn't ignore.
Quick poll in a Kinja post that likely will never emerge from "Pending": Who plans to boycott the NFL, this week and beyond, until Goodell resigns?
Émile Zola: [rises from the dead]
I don't always agree with Keith, but I always respect his fearlessness. And today I agree with him 100%. Bravo.
Your Server Was Rob.
If you don't understand how being a fan of a team can be a part of your identity then you obviously don't love sports.
Whatever. The worst thing that people ever have to say about the Giants is that Eli has a derpy face? He also has 2 rings.
I'm sorry, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this article. I am supposed to stop supporting a team I grew up loving because the asshole higher ups made and a completely terrible decision? I have to choose between being a feminist and supporting a team whose fan ship is huge part of my identity? Of course Ray…
Actually, Native American activists have been protesting the name for fully half of its existence. This isn't a new fight in any sense, so appeals to tradition fall flat.
she almost bought a ticket to the game, but freaked out when everyone told her to get one from a scalper
Sorry Drunk but have to disagree here. There is no way, no way that with my male friends that I don't know if they were/are interested in more. I'm assuming it is the same for men? Maybe I'm wrong but I do know that he keeps letting her know that he has a girlfriend. Sign says, NOT INTERESTED.
It's not high schoolish. Love is mean sometimes and it seems impossible to find the right one. Have you thought you might like him because he is unavailable and safe for you to like/love w/o having to deal with in your face rejection, drama that comes from a relationship? I would advise counseling cause you should…
when I saw the headline, I was hoping for the old Faces tune. so disappointed.