
I’m old and cynical, and it’s hard for me to get past the suspicion that the “assessment” of NK’s nuclear weapons capacity and Trump’s bellicosity aren’t related to the other big story of the past 48 hours—the collapse of Trump’s poll numbers. This sabre rattling will give him a boost.

“That’s contracts for ya,” mumbled the hitman, as he nudged the producer’s lifeless body with the toe of his boot.

<what's the point>

Charlotte: the South Carolina of North Carolina

“...getting wind of...”

Dat hair!

And what a genius, this guy, another rat scrambling to get on board a sinking ship.


I’m waiting to hear that he’s entered rehab. Dude acts like a coked up alcoholic.

“Copperhead bites are typically not fatal,” says Dr. Peter Bromley, N. C. Cooperative Extension Specialist in Zoology. Small animals, like small dogs, may receive a fatal bite from a copperhead. The venom causes local tissue destruction and secondary infection often sets in. If you or your pet are bitten by any

A bite from a copperhead is very rarely fatal to a human or a pet. This story sucks on so many levels.


+1 (seconded, over here in Durham)

We are an uneven blend:

I watched the new Sara Silverman standup special “speck of Dust” )or something like that) last night. I lol’d. A lot.

Don’t forget “spontaneous oily discharge.”

Sky Lemming... great name for a white supremacist leader.


I was born in Georgia and have lived in the deep South almost all of my 65 years, and I have never heard anyone use that expression before.