
Sensual World and Red Shoes are great albums. I love Kate Bush... but Ariel was a huge disappointment to me. I listened to it once or twice and gave it away.

She’s on the road to Joan Riversburg.

Do they make all-in-onesies with pajama feet, pajama hands, and pajama head?

star for you!

If there’s no one else around? Knee to the groin.

+1 for promoting the concept of hybrid vigor

My earliest memory is of a recurring nightmare in which I’m standing before a full length (floor to ceiling) window in my childhood bedroom and three bear-wolf-pig-like hybrid monsters of varying size are on just the other side howling/screaming at me. I called them “the wolves.” In the dream, I’m paralyzed and can’t

Bourbon and ginger go together nicely. Now I want one. Dammit!

You’re not alone.

Silliest movie ever made.

Grab ‘em by th’ pussy bow, says I. Grab it ‘n’ twist.

“Just look at this showroom! Filled with fabulous merchandise!”

Just wait until she and the mister decide to “redecorate” the White House.

fuckin’ A


cf. Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon...

When you feel yourself on the verge of losing control, make a circle with your thumb and index finger, and drive the edge of your thumbnail hard into your fingertip. Increase the pressure until the pain diverts your mind enough to short circuit the urge to cry. Repeat as needed with the other three fingers. This is a