Mario Rodriguez

I liked Muldoon too! Neither he nor the others deserved their fate (Except maybe Nedry for basically sicking all the dinosaurs on everyone as a distraction for his theft.). I just chuckled at Muldoon's final one liner… just like moment of mirth earlier when seeing Genaro bite it on the toilet after being spineless

I'll give you awe-inspiring… but warm? Did we see the same movie? sure the actors were warm and the scenes with the kids and that moment between Hammond and Sattler were heartfelt. But this movie was chalk full of dark and gory, still who among us did not give a somewhat guilty chuckle at the death scenes for the

I'm sure peter quill can just pop back over to earth and pick up a "Now" CD full of our typical modern overmastered and unrealized music that lacks the heart and soul of the hits of yesteryear. He can grab it when he next goes to visit his mother's grave.

Yeah! They're just belgians who live further north… lol

Indeed, I have only two hatreds in this world… people who are intolerant of other people's cultures… AND THE DUTCH!