That's what we get?
That's what we get?
Give them a chance and let's wait and see!
@rolsenrob: I considered your perspective earlier, if that wasn't clear to 'someone like you' and all I got was:
@rolsenrob: Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.. (this could go on all day).. hahahahahaha...ah.
Honestly, Karkand is one of the best maps ever, but what the hell is with developers constantly chucking in old maps?
@DocSeuss: Third person. If you go into the Undead Labs website there's a fair amount more information about the game there.
@lewismortonysb: I remember seeing a trailer aaaages ago too; the one where it seemed some Marines come down an elevator, saw something shuffling in the dark ahead of them to find it was a 4-legged shark... ha!
As long as it's a new story, as such, and not a rehashed, crushed version of something we already have, no problem.
@InsidiousTuna: I think Statham, as awesome as he is, would not be suited to play the role of Isaac. He's far too masculine.
@PHXPhoto: I wasn't over thinking it at all...
@wocalax: A LEVEL EDITOR?!!?! :O
@bjmckenna: I'll excuse your frankly poor use of sarcasm.
Look at that image, is there even any need for the three blades?
@Illuminerdi: Sorry, but here in the UK, in Britain, our language is English. Not 5 others.
@Illuminerdi: Well it's not really "bullshit", is it?
How do you think us in the UK feel?
@thedoommarine: the trailer was pretty tragic, it didn't show much, alas, it still looks cool.
@dj.nin: Kinect is a really neat piece of kit, I think!
@SG-17: I find the PS3 is actually becoming more and more of a flop here in the U.K.