
@BiggunSid: CoD will win. Because they aren't allowed to pick anything else!

@alphaprologist: I think you just ruined the story for me, didn't you?

@Shinta: Well it'd work with Batman because it's the type of game to do exploring, but with CoD it's just a bunch of laptops sitting around each level that you have to grab, not really having any reason for existing o_o

@Shinta: Platforming sure, but what about the likes of Call of Duty, with their "intel"?

@Bassman22: I think I'm happy things have gone the way they have.

Using a photo of Alan Rickman is insulting.

@Bassman22: They got complacent and thought they could control the market.

@ethnt: Like anything, it's always going to be distorted to suit the ideals of those in charge.

@Devin Teague Connelly: Ignoring him is one thing; I'd just like to see where Malone was being racist!

@HungerSTGF: When you finish it, do it on Nightmare difficulty after (I think that's what it is called), then you'll be scared.

@NixonsGhost: I find the controls to be quite comfortable, actually. Although I do have a dislike for the inventory button being on Tab.

@sandorasbox: An extra game? Or do you mean the mini-puzzle-game thing?

I really enjoyed that!