
Wow. This is old, old news. I remember playing this aaages ago. I didn't find it much fun; perhaps they've improved it now?

@NeVeRMoRe666: Don't think about it. Ever. It could result in you never buying a game... AGAIN!

@Greyspectre: I'm a PC gamer, with a pretty crap rig. I play games like CS:S, it runs at about 32 frames max for me and I can't personally tell much difference between that and my brothers PC which will run it at 60. Maybe it's just me.

@BakaDango: I fail to see the logic in that example. A faster car doesn't mean a smoother ride :P

@tetracycloide: Maybe you're just not very good at Mass Effect?

Black Ops certainly does not deserve GOTY; even more so with it's other contenders; namingly ME2 and Red Dead.

50fps from the 4890 is poor performance? But our eyes can't see any more than 30fps I thought, so what's the worry?


@joecamnet: Just what I posted to somebody above, but still relevant:

@MetalZombie: If you hate this, you'll hate an article I read in the Daily Express (a trashy British tabloid). It was about the violence that happened during the student protests in London. Basically, some of the students were claimed to be using a points system; 100 points if you make a policeman bleed, 50 points for

@JCDenton: I felt the same way in that I didn't even bother finishing the first, although my brother tells me I was just 30 minutes away from finishing it haha

Seems like the F2P thing is starting to kick in... this is both sweet and sour to my taste buds.

Games are already too overpriced. I'm sorry, but for the likes of CoD Black Ops coming at with an RRP of £49.99, sold at £44.99 in most places, it's just a stupid sum of money. And yes, okay, I still pay it for some games, but even so; the point is, if I see a preowned copy of a game at half the price, why the hell

@Goldwings: I suggest giving the Sports one a go if you can. We had about 6 of us taking it in turns, in pairs doing the tournament thing. It was really good fun! And also quite physical...

@Danza: Have you even played with one? It's hardly a fad. A fad is 3D. Get it right.

@Tiller: Have you even played it?