
@Chris101b: Ah, well that answers that. Thanks :P

The first time I saw this, I did admittedly get a laugh out of it.. but, the problem is, my first impression was that these were simply accidental events, like amusing bugs in the game.. the later ones in the series suggest they are all staged, which just ruins the whole point of, "things you won't expect" :(


Was he trying to do an American accent? I thought the accent was just Sam Worthington, really. And this comment isn't as stupid as it sounds.

@Sloopydrew: Really? I played Kinect for the first time 2 days ago and I was really impressed. It was a shittonne of fun. I don't even have a large room; there's no way I was even 6 feet away from the camera and it picked me and my friends up perfectly well.

@SegFault: They might not have got a say in where they can put it in the store.

@TestZero: I think the British Government are at the top, actually... unfortunately T_T

@Crimsondramon: My dad has always, always moaned about games being too dark. Amusing.

GamePro gave it what looks to be 99/100 - 100/100?

@fiffer86: I can't disagree with you at all. It's something that should happen. People at work stop what they are doing for 2 minutes to honour the fallen, so why shouldn't gamers stop playing War and do the same?

@warpwhistle: You'd tell if it was at 40 down to 20. Which is a possibility.

@fiffer86: The actual silence period is 2 minutes, but even so, could you imagine the outrage by all the ignorant folk that play CoD?

@complextinction: But you aren't allowed to trash-talk Apple on Gawker sites! DIDN'T YOU READ THE RULES?!

@tasteskindasalty: So if they had it in their hands.. surely they should get specification details right?

@Yeah!: Really? I tried one of these things out the other day and felt the 7" screen was quite sufficient, really.

@notMordecai: Didn't you know Gizmodo are Apple fanboys?

So you had a chance to show them what was going wrong when you played it, and you declined?

@legerrid: Didn't you know game developers never actually let you play the good bits?