@yanipheonu: Prove it.
@yanipheonu: Prove it.
@Mr.V.: I'll assume you've had a bad experience with a tabloid before.
@Mr.V.: Eh, not everything they say is false. To be honest I wouldn't be suprised if Al Qaeda did try using animals.
Perhaps one reason this was never revealed was because they have thought it could impact those who need to take dogs on planes, like people with guide dogs? I dunno.
@Batman: We aren't going to get a new Battlefront.
@Rocket Boss: No.
@John-Hamptonshire: Chris is actually way cooler. Alright?
@Microxified: Haha, yeah sorry I meant Allied, of course. But hmm... perhaps that's the next MoH game!
The Medal of Honour series only has 2 good games; the first, debut outing on PS1 and Allien Assault on PC.
Well let's hope that when they do finally get around to releasing it, it is a feature rich game, with a good load of maps and game modes to play in.
@Ad134: Ah, of course. I've suffered that too. Although, I also remember only getting to the town of Gnisis in Morrowind, getting shit scared by those monsters in the mines and not playing for a week. Hah.
@ffrenchtoast: Hellz yeah.
@Ad134: Play Morrowind and, if you're so inclined, don't be a tool and complain about the graphics and combat system.
@CherM2222: December I think?
@illiniphase4: No. Not at all. While they are right about say, the map, you can access it in seconds *SPOILER* (I guess)...
@Sakilla: Kicking a ball, while holding a Wii controller or Move Wand, is better than holding nothing, like you would be when you play soccer?
Ah, typical. Some egg-head know-nothing blames video games.
@Nava707: Weren't you even a little tempted to take a piece as a souvenir?
@surft: That could actually cause people to break down; crafting things is by no means a "quick" thing to do :P
@Tiller: Fuck. Yeah.