
@Gundem: I hope he sue's me too, because then I get to leave England for a while. Yay!

Honestly, if any of these people suffer in any way, shape or form because this fruitcake thinks he can abuse the authority afforded to him, then it finally proves there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

@916CALLTURK: It was probably already too late before you clicked "share".

@AOClaus: I'd say he was being "super srs" about this. He did use $ afterall.

@someone_else: Eh, not so important. If MS wanted to add 3D support to the Xbox, they would. And then they'd release a peripheral that was required to use the technology at a ridonkulous price!

@Lanhoj: Hey. You can't please everyone ;)

@AlphaJarmel: Who said MS "hate" 3D? They're just not making their console capable of outputting 3D images. Which is good. No, it's great.

In the "winged monkey", I see a grunt from Halo. Hah.

@Michael Dukakis: Y'know, this has to be one of the best, most defining statements I've ever read about 'justice'.

@HungerSTGF: I haven't played C&C4. What I don't like is the storyline and the concept in general... it just doesn't rub me the right way.

Our pedestrian crossings here in Britain have raised-bump paving on the pavement near them and they let out a sound when it is safe to cross too.

@StrategyMonk: RED ALERT 1, RED ALERT 1, RED ALERT 1.

@HungerSTGF: C&C games stopped being good at Red Alert 1.

Finally, I don't feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like JRPG's.

@Eoiny-O-C: I'm really quite sure he's in one of the books, without being actually named. First Strike I believe.

@mossiprose: There's a lot that went on in the battle of Reach that we don't see in game; perhaps a DLC devoted to more space combat, cause there was plenty of that to go around.

@evilfrog1: Weak? Where is there weakness displayed in either of those two videos?