You only just discovered his webstore?
You only just discovered his webstore?
@SurakshaNewt: Well, according to something I read recently.. in the book Halo: Evolutions I think, the canon of the universe is that it would take them 30 years to entirely glass a planet the size of Earth... so it was a bit of an idle threat, really.
Single-player DLC, pls.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Tell that to Activision. Or EA.
@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Halo is dead, how?
@brijazz: Remove hipsters from the world.
@Tiller: Will they hell.
I'm still trying to work out what the hell they've done with my original Red Faction :|
@Platypus Man: There are people who haven't played the campaign? T'fuck o_o
@wirebrain: A trilogy, perhaps. Maybe, two trilogy's! The first trilogy made can be Halo 1, 2 and 3 with the second trilogy covering right from the first human contact with the Covenant to the fall of Reach, leading into Halo 1... as if a similar thing hasn't happened before with a fairly successful franchise.
@F-1: You think that Halo 3 making $300M in the first week would be enough to make them do that... but no.
@Archaotic: Who cares what your opinion, or anybody else's opinion is.
@HotChops: No. There were no Flood on Reach, though there were Forerunner structures and artifacts, I do believe.
This actually made me sad.
Buuh, silly Sony.
@Polebull: "Sony is not copying the Wii" ... "the concept is similar but the Move is far more sensitive and precise."
@Brian Crecente: Unless there comes a game that allows 5 million of us to do battle seamlessly... sigh, if only.
@i.roboto: You've played it already? And the Beta doesn't count.
I just think you're jealous that Apple didn't think of this first.
@Teran: Well I dunno, the shallow stories could well be blamed on tight deadlines to get things released; the ideas were there from a number of their team, and the books were overseen by a few of Bungie's guys, but the books have definitely helped build the franchise, for sure.