
@Salari: It's called a captive audience; much like going to a festival, concert, or convention. Once you're in, they can charge what the hell they like for your hot dog's and drinks, cause they are all that's available.

@resvrgam: Well that's as sure a thing as the sun not coming up tomorrow, so good luck with that.

@resvrgam: I disagree. Entirely. With pretty much everything you said.

@Saturnine, your neighborhood PC elitist.: PS3 controllers are the same price... so are the bluetooth headsets, the abysmally priced HDMI cables, the PS Eye.... For the Wii, the Nunchuks and Wiimotes, the WiiMotion+, the novelty plastic add ons for your games... it goes on. All companies are responsible for

@Eight_Bit_Remix: Oh yeah, I've heard of it. Hell I've suffered from it twice. Do I care? No. Why? Because they fixed it. For free.

@Helis: Episode 3 is only going to be *so* good. Maybe they are gonna try and shove another Duke Nukem Forever down our necks.

@Evdor: Certainly. Gabe is a bit of a twat, lets face it.

@Evdor: Come on. Gabe is a bit of a hypocrit.

@resvrgam: I think you'll find Microsoft have themselves quite the successful product, brand and franchise. Valve's opinion isn't the be all and end all of what's right.

@Teran: Of course. There is a recent statement by a spokesperson for Microsoft stating that if they are gonna do a film, they don't want it to be some light, brief run through of a story already told in the games. They want something new... which in my opinion, is exactly the right attitude.

Blame the media.

Ah, I remember the day my dad took my brother and I to go purchase one of these beauty's.

@jessicamorris001: Well I shall trump your tragedy, by my Xbox 360 killing itself the day the warranty expired. No lies.

@Frostypickles: We shouldn't need to wage war to better ourselves, sure, but when people have to fight for their survival, whatever the enemy, be it other humans, animals or germs... that is when we are our most productive, I'd say.

@Slinkytech: Tsunoda didn't actually say about using a controller to aim in FPS games.