
Bad. Bad. Bad.

Ah, KotoR fans will love this, it seems.

@deuxhero: For £300? Surely you mean a quality computer that could browse the internet at super fast speed, or type up a letter, or draw in paint?

Typical Final Fantasy fans.

@DunnCarnage: I think you'll start to get the "bleak" sensation about half way through; when the necessary sacrifice by Noble team becomes apparent, that will be your "bleak" moment.

@cipher.Cero: He was probably already aware he would not make it off the ship alive, no matter how long he stood there. Although the video didn't depict it, he would have had to make a bit of a dash from the grav lift to the hangar's to throw the bomb, and being as large a payload as it was, even if he did manage to

@Teran: I've heard they are contemplating an extensive TV series instead, similar to the rumored Star Wars series that focused on different characters and story arcs every few episodes, that would occasionally crossover.

@Kaijumaster: Have you not played Halo 1, at least?! GRAAAVVV LIIIFFFTTT, into the middle of the ship.

@Modus_Operandi: To me it just seemed like some pointless dig at Kinect, which seems to be a common trend with Gizmodo and Kotaku lately, against Microsoft products.

@Vecha: They should have acted responsibly and stopped the idiot girl from driving the car.


@MrBangBam: Haha, How I Met Your Mother... quite an enjoyable programme.

@Archaotic: Then that just shows how closed organisations like the Academy is.

What is the actual point in multi-touch on a 1.54" screen?

Why do the buildings not blow up?

@ChewyChavezIII: Very true. I guess at 2am I didn't really consider innovation haha

@ChewyChavezIII: Eh, I dunno. We play FPS games with mice+keyboard all the time with no feedback... a lot of light gun games don't offer any real feedback, and nobody seems too bothered by it.

@Tacticalspoon: Don't you get it? Don't you SEE?! HE'S A HACKER. Thus the aimbot video... I guess.