
If in Dead Rising the Las Vegas copy is called "Fortune City"... why are there signs that say "Las Vegas 46" in Still Water?

Their answer to Xbox Live?

@tonyp21: Broadsword and some OJ/Whiskey.

@walther98: If it ain't doing keys, you can forget diamonds.

@Helis: I think you'd end up with a shambles, to be honest.

@Unspellable: There's music? All I hear is what I'd assume is the machine looking around the wreck.

@MEATSABRE: I hate Void Rays. Somehow they seem to be built amazingly fast and then, as you say, they just demolish my base.

@jihadjoe343: It'd be daft of them to completely dismiss the potential for a movie... it'll happen, even if it's a few years away.

Man, make a god damn movie Microsoft! I feel these live-action shorts may be guinea pigs of sorts... Microsoft testing the waters to see the reception on a Halo movie.

Playing Halo: Reach before September 14th is not "sanctioned" by Microsoft, either.

I think this horse did what Molenyeux has been trying to do for years.

@Kobun: Mm, it does seem a bit peculiar they aren't reaching to both the casual and "hardcore" demographics... but alas, time will hopefully bare such delights!

@Kobun: Ah, what a game.

@Tyrunn: Yeah, I do a lot of purchases through Steam or Amazon.

@Tyrunn: I could see why they'd do that, but I'd say the publishers are also at fault; setting such ridiculous RRP's (£49.99 for Modern Warfare 2 on PC!) gives the retailers too high a bench to set their prices at, forcing some customers to go for used games.

@Charliehorse: Irrelevant; it is his "thing" after all. They could at least ask permission before using it.

@Tyrunn: I save specifically for titles I know I want, like Halo Reach I'm saving for, but if I'm out in town and happen to find a game I was waiting for a lower price on I may spontaneously buy it. What's wrong with that?