If in Dead Rising the Las Vegas copy is called "Fortune City"... why are there signs that say "Las Vegas 46" in Still Water?
If in Dead Rising the Las Vegas copy is called "Fortune City"... why are there signs that say "Las Vegas 46" in Still Water?
@Nerubasasin19: A dig at Xbox Live? Deary me.
Their answer to Xbox Live?
@tonyp21: Broadsword and some OJ/Whiskey.
@walther98: If it ain't doing keys, you can forget diamonds.
@Helis: I think you'd end up with a shambles, to be honest.
@Unspellable: There's music? All I hear is what I'd assume is the machine looking around the wreck.
@MEATSABRE: I hate Void Rays. Somehow they seem to be built amazingly fast and then, as you say, they just demolish my base.
@jihadjoe343: It'd be daft of them to completely dismiss the potential for a movie... it'll happen, even if it's a few years away.
@HowIsYourFlat: Am confus.
Man, make a god damn movie Microsoft! I feel these live-action shorts may be guinea pigs of sorts... Microsoft testing the waters to see the reception on a Halo movie.
Playing Halo: Reach before September 14th is not "sanctioned" by Microsoft, either.
I think this horse did what Molenyeux has been trying to do for years.
@E.B. Farnum: Microsofts hitlist.
@Kobun: Mm, it does seem a bit peculiar they aren't reaching to both the casual and "hardcore" demographics... but alas, time will hopefully bare such delights!
@Kobun: Ah, what a game.
@Tyrunn: Yeah, I do a lot of purchases through Steam or Amazon.
@Tyrunn: I could see why they'd do that, but I'd say the publishers are also at fault; setting such ridiculous RRP's (£49.99 for Modern Warfare 2 on PC!) gives the retailers too high a bench to set their prices at, forcing some customers to go for used games.
@Charliehorse: Irrelevant; it is his "thing" after all. They could at least ask permission before using it.
@Tyrunn: I save specifically for titles I know I want, like Halo Reach I'm saving for, but if I'm out in town and happen to find a game I was waiting for a lower price on I may spontaneously buy it. What's wrong with that?