
@Ladi: I can afford to buy about 1 to 2 games a month fairly comfortably, but his argument is unfair.

Although I can see his side of the argument, what a dick.

@Nawara_Ven: There are websites that sell points codes, often giving discounts.

@XavierHarkonnen: I think you'll find that was our last Government that did that... it's not his fault it's not feasible to just pull our troops out of the fight as quick as anything.

@dirty: Yeah, they do. I think only for credit in store, though.

Even a chain store here in Britain called Argos does game trade in's now... I wonder what the hell they do with all the used games O_O

@Panzercat: It doesn't look like WoW O_o

@MetalSonic7: MetalSonic7 has a point, its the law of horror.

I actually quite enjoyed Gamer, thanks.

@Killer Toilet: I was gonna comment saying the same thing. The game runs like crap on my PC.

@Faslane: I had a similar experience selling something on eBay and using PayPal for the money transfer. After selling the item, 3 weeks went by for me then to find an email in my inbox telling me I'd committed credit card fraud and that I had 48 hours to deliver proof the account and card I was using was mine. I did

@Alfisted: Not to mention their trains are always on time!

@Hamguy: I feel a disturbance... in the force. The coming of the apocalypse is upon us.

@phamm: Ah, true. Crap. Sorry. Etc.

@aMatic: Well yeah, as I said, I don't doubt that the majority (and serious majority) are real claims and should be dealt with accordingly, but this one smells fishy.

@Nikkoli: I think that's a realistic representation of how this went down, actually. Well done.

So after watching that video my face is now stuck in this position - O_O
