
@vicada91: I think you'll find too many people are either brainwashed into thinking Brussels running our country is a good thing, or they're not educated enough of the problems with being a part of it.

@JohnnyricoMC: If those are the lousy benefits, I'm sure we can get by fine without it.

Ah, bloody Eurotrash.

He has standards... or up his own arse? You decide!

I don't buy it.

@PhatsMahoney: That and the flamin' article clearly says one level...

@ThomasWolfSwe: And reloading times of a crossbow against a horde gets you...?

@Mihos: A previous Gizmodo article actually pointed out that sitting down is being worked on for release with Kinect.

Forget the oil spill, the computer running that must be pretty beasty!

@DaCapin: You've spoke the most sense I've seen on this here website in quite some time.


@Dayvie: Ah, I see. I don't know, my brother owns a PS3 but I barely use it. It just seems to auto update itself to me :P

Err... doesn't the Xbox automatically update itself? As does the PS3.. so why are you saying they don't offer "such a service".

@Serolf Divad: What by releasing Golden Eye on the Wii, you mean?

Wow, that Zelda game looks like a fuck up.

@nerdmanwhippy: You got me there. I did enjoy that too... I just forgot about it. Haha.