@SKiTz: Ah, I haven't seen it. Apparently it's quite exciting though... we'll see, when I see it.
@SKiTz: Ah, I haven't seen it. Apparently it's quite exciting though... we'll see, when I see it.
I want a movie. Entirely of CGI like this, because a live-action will be a fuckup.
@tomatte127: Well I imagine that is quite a rife problem, seeing as they're all the same person... or were.
@Scallat: Plus, look at Vader and Yoda's age at the time. I'm quite certain, bar Sidious, that has an impact on their ability to wield the force.
I think you're forgetting that Stormies have never been able to shoot straight.
It didn't really look like it was chugging along to me O_o
@$0.02: Well, you try and find a "price list" about what the bank would charge you for overdrawing.
@Pope John Peeps II: I didn't say it wasn't BP's fault. Of course it is; their rig, their responsibility.
I think it's wrong to accuse your government or BP of being inept.
I don't think it's worth putting the (probably minimal) effort in to port it to PC; we all saw what happened with GTA4. Why trash another good game?
@cityslicker: My god. I love that game.
@$0.02 I'd consider a "hidden cost" to be something like bank charges in my country, if you become overdrawn by 30p and they charge you £35 for it.
@$0.02: It's still not hidden. The information is there, plastered on plenty of websites and magazines and such, telling you the fee's and the benefits.
Okay, so you're a supposed knowledge base of all things games, but you're saying that the Xbox Live Gold subscription is "mandatory"?
@Dayvie: Makeshift defence system, maybe?
I... don't get why the ending was skoo-wiff, as I like to describe it.
@LifesSweetDrug: Hah, yes!
One of the worst interface designs I've seen, to be honest.
I dunno if I really get the second one.
@Sidious Strange: Third person I'd say.