Miss Eli

Not true! Heavenly Creatures and The Frighteners have fans! There are dozens of us!

I know of a woman who can make a phenomenal Tequila Lime Tart. It’s wonderful.

I didn’t go as far as you did, but I went from “Kevin James - Pfeh” to “Kevin James - oh, that dude has talent, but he keeps on doing shows and movies I have no interest in.” Although I do want to see that movie he did with Selma Hayek.

Didn’t she also have a secret dorky side that he appreciated? In addition to being stupendously rich & hot?

I can’t see it. I mean, I sat through 2 seasons of him as Blackbeard, and I just cannot see him at Poirot. Which is why I guess I’ll watch?

Matzoh lasagna? Tell me more ...

The header photo makes me think that a Lord Byron biopic with Tom Ellis (from Lucifer) would be a good thing before he completely ages out of possibility.

So, I realize that as much fun as this season was (and compared to last season, it was way more fun), I’m going to have to drop it down a grade because:

I was looking forward to seeing what “find the clock of the long now” meant.

Hey, it was a very cute dog. Also, it was a gift from his dying wife. So the dog wasn’t just a dog (and they didn’t need to kill the dog, they were just being cruel), it was the last living link between Wick and his wife.

Jane Says usually handles this, but:

That was heartbreaking. But worth seeing Goodsir go out like a boss.

Plus the “scenes from next week’s finale” seemed to imply that the supernatural thing comes into play, like maybe it factors in Hickey’s motivation for capturing Crozier.

“That was before, WHEN LIFE WAS BREEZY!”

That’s why I used it. *fist-bump*

Boom went the dynamite!

A shame. Michael B. Jordan has been working like a stevedore in promoting this, and it seems to be a bit of a passion project for him.

I adored this movie. So silly, so cheezy, so pulpy, so pretty. The cinematic equivalent of Apple Jacks.

Roger Daltrey is not a terrible actor. He’s even rather fun in a Shakespeare comedy (I think I saw him in a PBS/BBC version of Two Gentlemen of Verona).

I agree with you. I saw it skeptically a few years ago and was surprised by how much fun it was - and I don’t usually start off rooting for characters who happen to be Confederate soldiers.