
Thank you for including the Residents. They definitely don't get the coverage these days they deserve. Also, I dare you to play Everquest with the Heavy Metal soundtrack blazing and tell me it doesn't sync perfectly. That disc on repeat was my online soundtrack for almost 2 years. I decided to try it again during the

After this episode aired, Crow and Cattrall dated for awhile; but I don't think anything ever came of it.

We need to get this man the fog machine they made a few years back! Yea, I'm still rocking the Fisher-Price Experience in my household. But as long as Harmonix keeps pumping out good tracks, I'll be a loyal customer (currently at about 600+).

Permission to introduce myself as, "Los Pinto dos Reis"? I'll take either translation.

And yet my band, Mighty Meat Sauce, has been alive and kicking since RB1. I didn't even realize they policed band names! As a huge fan of this moniker (can you tell?), I would hate to lose it. BTW, the name is based on my Father's awesome spaghetti sauce.

The soundtrack to this game was phenomenal. Hideki Naganuma was one of the first video game composer I could namedrop when talking about good music and to this day 'Sweet Soul Brother' is one of the top played tracks on my ipod. If you're a fan of techno-funk, give him a shot. I can also recommend the soundtracks to

You get it for free by preordering it at Gamestop, and assuming how they've done it in the past, will probably let those people get it first and then release it for all a few weeks later for everyone. I don't think you even get the download code until the actual game is bought though, so I figure at least 2 months

Got my first kiss during this movie. That's about all I remember about it.

I was playing this with a friend who trounced me every game; I could never figure it out. I'm not a genius or anything, but some of the words he was using were way beyond his knowledge. After a few frustrating months I gave up. Recently I asked him how the hell he had such a vocabulary, he told me he had been looking

As a Swapnote user, how can we start getting these sent to us? Or is this screen grab from somewhere else?

I have to admit, I haven't gotten myself to a Gamestop to look at the Vita, just what I've read here and in video game mags. You've inspired me to do some research of my own.

I agree with yadspi, why not get the 3ds and hang onto your XBox? I love my 3ds, but I need me some console gaming. And with Nintendo's weird place in the market right now you can easily hedge your bets. I think you can still download four swords for free, and the ar games included in the system (not to mention the

You are not alone, LOVE that song.

The only reason I knew is not because I'm a Sum 41 fan, but I love 'Head Over Heels'... If only a correction could be done to my lousy taste in music.

I'm looking on the Playstation store, are we having console differences? I thought XBox got tracks first (do not own) and the Wii version I believe quit DLC as well.

I checked, it was definitely Rock Band the tracks are out for. I think GH quit doing DLC. Don't own it, so not quite sure.

Back in the early 90's, a 13 year old me was handed a thick stack of papers with the title "Generations". It was from this "new" thing my friends had discovered called Usenet. The only time in my life to do such, I poured over every page of the unreleased script trying to learn the secrets of the next Star Trek movie.

I think Mr. Show with Bob and David or something on Adult Swim. I actually recognize it but my head is so stuffed with pop culture references, I lose a lot of stuff that isn't MST3K or Simpsons related... ut i can assure you I'm scouring both my mind and my video collection for an answer.

We're here, just tend to get drowned out by those who want to whine; as the old saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". I've been running and playing a table for 3 years now. I have no stake in one edition or any one game. I play to have fun. Personally, when I hear people whine about the editions, it makes

My wife and I are going through the exact same thing with our 3 year old. Due also to everyone fighting over where we're supposed to go with her, we've begun telling everyone that starting next year, Christmas is at our house from now on and gifts can only be purchased if they fit in said-families vehicle. I honestly