

I got a lot of flack from my friends for doing the same thing in Skyrim. While everyone was fast-travelling and getting quests done, I was slowly prodding my way across the landscape seeing what the world had to offer. I noticed with Fallout 4 that the world is smaller but packed fuller. Everything is close enough

Did we go to Junior High together?

if there’s anything to complain about that game, why no 4 player offline mode? Having to pick two people while the rest of my family sits and waits for their turn is crap. But that’s just my opinion.


It's in the Weapon Upgrade screen. When you click on the glaive it will give you the option to give nectar to the Kinsect or upgrade weapon. You have to give nectar to it before you can upgrade the weapon; it was a little weird at first but I've started to figure it out.

I'm curious if they left a part open for Kevin Hart.

Thank you, I was about to ask who the disembodied heads were on the top of the screen.

My five-year old asked me this Sunday what my friends and I are doing every week at the table. I sat her down and ran a quick scenario where she had to stop a troll from stealing food from a village. She tried to tell him off at first, but when her intimidate rolls didn't hurt, she beat him senseless until he promised

Had every version from the original brick to the 3ds. I still call it a Gameboy and always will. Everyone can deal with it.

I can still field strip my Gameboy's Handy Boy add-on with my eyes closed. I occasionally do, just in case... just in case...

Anyone else having issues finding a compatible device? Google Play said the two phones I had listed wouldn't work, but my nexus 7 would work.

We may have been the only two people in the world to have actually played that game.

At the Phoenix Comicon, a few Christian groups have booths. One is called Gamers for Jesus or something like that. They have a picture of Jesus holding an xbox controller and wearing a headset and are always really friendly without being pushy. I'm sure the San Diego Con draws alot more attention so it draws in every

That's the one! It literally made my game collection jump from a few lame titles (Richard Scarry's Busytown, anybody?) on cassette to a ton of classic titles, oh and E.T.

When everyone else was getting Commodore 64s, my parents went the Coleco route and got me one of these. As much as I could say it was a horrible machine due to the long-ass time it took the cassettes to load anything, I figured out at a young age you could cram a ColecoVision peripheral I found at a yard sale into the

Wouldn't you know, my Birthday is Sep 17, too! I'll be taking the day off to spend all day in Los Santos!

If we're talking about enemies in Animal Crossing, what about Resetti? That bastard is the bane of my wife's existence. While she never resets to try to cheat, she is notorious for accidentally leaving her ds on all night, or forgetting to recharge it and the game dies before she can save. This leads to 10 minutes of

I could field-strip my Gameboy and reattach every piece in the dark with a blindfold on in under 30 seconds. This is my Gameboy. there are many like them, but this one is mine...

Is it bad that I call my 3DS a Gameboy? I never got out of the habit.