You are not alone, LOVE that song.
You are not alone, LOVE that song.
The only reason I knew is not because I'm a Sum 41 fan, but I love 'Head Over Heels'... If only a correction could be done to my lousy taste in music.
I'm looking on the Playstation store, are we having console differences? I thought XBox got tracks first (do not own) and the Wii version I believe quit DLC as well.
I checked, it was definitely Rock Band the tracks are out for. I think GH quit doing DLC. Don't own it, so not quite sure.
Back in the early 90's, a 13 year old me was handed a thick stack of papers with the title "Generations". It was from this "new" thing my friends had discovered called Usenet. The only time in my life to do such, I poured over every page of the unreleased script trying to learn the secrets of the next Star Trek movie.…
I think Mr. Show with Bob and David or something on Adult Swim. I actually recognize it but my head is so stuffed with pop culture references, I lose a lot of stuff that isn't MST3K or Simpsons related... ut i can assure you I'm scouring both my mind and my video collection for an answer.
We're here, just tend to get drowned out by those who want to whine; as the old saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". I've been running and playing a table for 3 years now. I have no stake in one edition or any one game. I play to have fun. Personally, when I hear people whine about the editions, it makes…
My wife and I are going through the exact same thing with our 3 year old. Due also to everyone fighting over where we're supposed to go with her, we've begun telling everyone that starting next year, Christmas is at our house from now on and gifts can only be purchased if they fit in said-families vehicle. I honestly…
Yea, Futurama seems to have the highest percentage of real-life quotables. Some thrown around here include:
So far, I think this is my favorite Zelda game. I personally liked the tongue-in-cheek reference to 25 years, it reminds me of how long I've been playing this series. The familiar faces and names let me draw connections to the Zelda timeline and who fits where. I'm enjoy how the sky sections seem more alive than…
Hooray, I finally get to join the club! I was a little worried when I saw that I'd have to play quickly through the game, but with a ton of games stacked up (and more on the way), I think a little fire under the ass to get through the story will be worthwhile. And it sounds like many of us are in the same boat (we can…
I felt silly trying to post this yesterday, but a new Mercs games was exactly what I saw. Which is awesome, for all it's flaws, Mercs 2 was a fun experience.
Wow, there are people who actually click on links and find out what really is being said! You are a rare person indeed, good sir.
I built a fully-functional 4 player MAME cabinet just for this game. And I can guarantee I'll be buying it when it comes out. It's a good game. Just sayin'...
Exactly. Do video game solutions always have to involve shooting someone in the face?
If the multiple characters rumor is true, I have a feeling we'll be seeing just that.
I got to play a hands-on demo at PAX Prime 2010. The developers were really friendly and were more than happy to lead me through the level (I got a poster for beating the top score or something). I was super excited for the game but hadn't heard anything on it since then. The thought of shredding plastic to a…
Sunday the 18th...
I basically lost my 3ds when I purchased Nintendogs, to my wife who refuses to buy her own until a pink one comes out. I'm sure we'll see a trillion colors pumped out by the end of the 3ds' run, but there are girly-girls out there who want a cutesy color. Let's give them a chance. I want my system back.