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    Not getting out of the grey with this one but really, who cares if the video game sex is realistic? This seems like pissing in the wind. “The story is okay but NOT ENOUGH LIP ACTION AND WHERE ARE THE DONG VEINS??” lol

    Humans are wired to continue the species.

    Opinions on free things? GYAAAAHHH!!

    It must be really awesome in that super-elite club of “gamer” where you can just call people that don’t play what you do “casual”. So, has that group been called “Dick” forever or is that a recent thing? Asking for a friend.

    You mean the ones with realistic expectations. I don't understand how you could watch the old show, understand what it was, and yet somehow expect this to be something different. But hey, some folks just enjoy being contrarian or setting themselves up for disappointment. One of the two.

    I love reading replies like this an imagining who would stick around for you to say all this in real life. This is the beauty of the internet. We are all far more intelligent and well-versed than in everyday life.

    Wow... got a little extreme at the end there, huh?

    I’m sure the Olsens are sitting in their Ivory Tower and really appreciating all the big work you’re doing for them. Lol folks get so worked up over the most trivial things. “THEY WERE JUST KIDS! LEAVE THEM ALONE! WHY AM I MORE ANGRY THAN THE ACTUAL PEOPLE INVOLVED HERE??”

    Too much hugging from the parents. Apparently, that's a thing.

    Not when it's involving a 60 second video game trailer that has no basis of story whatsoever. No.

    You were okay until the "we deserve it" thing. It must be tough up on that cross.

    This is the internet, where everything is black and white and done in extremes. -_-


    I can’t imagine how much those “8-bit” figures are going to cost, given the production value.

    I think that we all just learned that fear is subjective.

    I guess I don't get it. Several prominent black cosplayers say that there is a lack of representation but you, most likely not black person, say otherwise. As the voice of authority, it sounds like you've got a solid handle on things and they're just whining to whine. Instigators.

    Sorry, I just don’t see how you can write that out, probably read it before you click post, and still post that in good conscience. Racism is always worth addressing.

    I'm excited to enter into this polygamous relationship with the two of you. I'll call weekends and major holidays.

    I’d say that racial equality is a pretty big issue. It has been for awhile, if my history class explained things correctly. For this specific topic, the lack of representation of black cosplay is surprising. Personally, this is the first time I’ve really even seen black cosplayers, which surprised me when I stopped

    Cancelling a preorder because it shows up on PC also is the one of the most pathetic and childish things I've ever heard of. "Bobby gets it too? I DON'T WANT IT NOW!" Ugh. Probably means his parents cancelled it for him.